Funny, my friend finally started playing Bloodborne on PC via emulation yesterday because Sony refuses to update the game on Playstation. But let’s be honest, this DMCA doesn’t necessarily mean that Sony is doing something with Bloodborne any time soon. Just recently in an interview apparently Sony won’t touch Bloodborne because From Soft doesn’t want that for whatever reason.
Other corporations behave just like Nintendo sometimes? Color me shocked!
Welp, time to grab a copy from the internet archive before they go after that too.
Sony’s cadre of lawyers to Lance McDonald: Fear the old DMCA Lance to Sony’s lawyers: Try tongue, but hole
I would hope that's what it means, but as a fan of Bloodborne (one of my favorite games of all time) I know better than to become even slightly excited for the prospect of a remake/remaster. Only thing down that road is sadness. 🤣
They also DMCA'd BBPSX, the PS1-style demake by the author of Nightmare Kart
Oops! Showed Sony up
Could be they just noticed and there is no remaster coming at all lol Given how Sony has been acting the last few years, logic plays little part in decision making it would seem. Still baffled they decided to ban most of the planet from buying Helldivers 2 on PC just to get some PSN sign ups and then they didn't even force the PSN requirement, due to backlash, while still banning most people from buying the game anyway. They accomplished nothing and knee capped their global sales going forward for a break out hit game. These aren't geniuses we're dealing with here.
They didn't have to kill this patch, just do a port. Simple as. I'm so sick of these awful companies and their disain for their customer base
Sony is always trying to emulate Nintendo, so it wouldn't surprise me that they DMCAed the patch because a remaster it's on its way to PS5/PC
I hope this does mean that the game will finally receive a PS5 enhanced patch at the very least, but I won't be holding my breath.
this is ridiculous. For one the people willing to sell out and patch the game are definitely the people who will buy a remaster. And after 4 years this thing is going to remain avaliable. Also I don't see how a DMCA filed against a patch would stand up to legal scrutiny.
We've seen Sony re-release plenty of games in the past that are remastered and have enhanced graphics You take that ability away from them and they can't make more money off the same game
is it the same 60fps patch as the patch in nexus mod site?
Maybe do 45 fps mod to meet them half way.
Lance actually told the reason why he received the DMCA: "The DMCA was not against the patch," he wrote. "They used DMCA to take down the page because the page used the word "Bloodborne" which they own the trademark of. They can't legally DMCA the patch because it's 100% code and the patch doesn't actually even say what game it's for in it. However I'm not stupid enough to try to work around their copyright to re-post it."
Crazy we need another remaster of The Last of Us the remaster of the remastered mastered, we need another remastered remastered of the remastered Horizon zero Dawn, we need to remaster remaster... come on Sony why can't we get bloodborne remastered people have been asking for remaster of this game for a very long time now and there's absolutely no reason come on Sony isn't it about time that you give the customers what they want
In unrelated news Philips just announced the Bluray-i with its own take on Sony Properties 🙃
Hopefully, this just signals a remaster/rerelease. Sony normally don't care, and after 4 years, very weird. Bloodborne shall return, children 😎🏆