
She could be playing Firestar, just cast an Iceman, and you have the cast for Spiderman and his Amazing Friends (go check out that intro song, so good)


I see her and Firestar comes to mind. Could also pass for Jean Grey


It would be pretty cool if she shows up via multiverse as Firestar with Iceman. "Hey Peter, there you are! Your Aunt is worried sick!" Like a live action of the cartoon.


Firestar!!! 🔥


She could also be an excellent Firestar


Redhead mutant and one of Spider-Man's amazing friends. 
Maybe we get a new Iceman too?


Jean could be to one that makes people remember who Peter is.


I’m excited to see Sadie Sink share the screen with Tom Holland!


Shake it up and make her FIRESTAR all the way. She’s a mutant and she fought along Spider-Man in the comics.


She is so Jean Grey. I’m shocked that Sadie Sink is going to be on Spider Man 4!😲


My man here got more "Breaking News" than CNN


I think she is playing Jean or Firestar (which is the most likely character) I would love to see Olivia Cooke as Jean if Sadie isn't in that role


Personally, I really don’t think we should have an X-Men character in a Spider-Man film this quickly but I honestly I wouldn’t mind it if it was just only for a cameo but if Sadie won’t play Jean Grey then maybe FireStar is in the mix


She's either jean grey or firestar.
But 100% sure she's playing a mutant


It really does make sense to have Sadie be Fire Star if she'll make her debut in a Sony movie. My mind is made up, she IS Angelica Jones and that is the end of it.😎


She Could Play Mary Jane Watson or FireStar or Jean Grey


The episode in X-Men '95 where Spider-Man was Assembling teams selecting Heroes.


Just go all out Spider-Man and his amazing Friends already. Bring on Firestar with Sadie and Iceman. It's the perfect time. That cartoon was my first exposure to the greater Marvel Universe. Fans of a certain age have NEVER forgotten. Make a movie with them and they can have my money!


She’s Either A X-men, The actual MJ or Gwen Stacy (She could easily wear a wig or dye her Hair Blonde)


It was rummers from half year ago that she could be mayday parker aswell from tobey univers