
This guy is the living definition of humble bragging


Thanks for the amazing impressions, mate, and for making an effort to locate my lost soul on the playa! πŸ˜‚


Thanks Samuel! I really appreciate your videos!!


Awesome vlog as usual! 😊 Du und Niklas seid beide echt cool & smart, aber du bist einfach 1 Million Mal sympathischer πŸ˜„β€οΈ Samo dalje - idemo u nove pobijede πŸ’ͺ


Samuel, Erin is so lucky to have you ❀❀😊


Samuel du bist der wahre G


Very nice video !! Greetings from BavariaπŸ™‚


Interessant, danke 😊


awesome vlog! very interesting to see


I bet you prevail 😊😊😊😊 really cool channel, keep up the good work πŸ‘


You're such a Chad Samuel


Sorry for the unrelated question Samuel but I've been diagnosed with ADHD and I know you said you have ADHD too, and I'm wondering do you take medication for ADHD? If not, how do you manage to do so much and have such an impressive resume with physics olympiad medal winner, EPFL, Harvard, and MIT? I know you're insanely intelligent and hardworking besides the ADHD but still, that amount of achievements requires an insane amount of focus and I'm trying to decide if I should take medication for ADHD and it would be really helpful knowing how you manage it! Thank you Samuel and great video as always, I always love when you upload new video!


Which type of OLYMPIAD did you crack national or international


early squad


also can someone tell me what Alexander said at 11:54, they wouldn't translate for me 😭


What books are the best to understand physics and win olympiades?


I spent 6 months living in the bush in Kenya.
I can tell you there is no place like home


How many Olympiad medal did you have


did you get tan tho