"A weapon so simple, a child could use it...and they do." - Nicholas Cage
“Little bit over gassed” me watching my brass shoot 25 feet.
So reliable, much reliability, much wow
That's why I owned it before any other high caliber rifle.
I trust this man. He has All gun knowledge in that head.
Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947, more commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the worlds most popular assault rifle, a weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple nine pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood, it doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It will fire whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy even a child could use it, and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars. Quote from the movie "Lord of War"
My great uncle put over 10,000 rounds through his, all steel, and never cleaned. Although, sometimes he’d shoot it with some WD40… but it never jammed. We found a bunch of these terribly rusted, corroded rounds he bought(he thinks in the 90s😂) but it still ran brilliantly. I finally cleaned it for him and to my amaze a lot of the kick reduced. He still claims it made no difference 😆
the russian ppsh only has 2 moving parts and is so reliable it was impossible to jam without it melting
I have to say overly over gassed. The brass it was bouncing off the wall with enough velocity to knock my glasses off. Having an AK is like being an abusive relationship. First it kicks me in the shoulder then slaps me in the cheek then finished off by spitting hot brass in my face. But dam do I love her
I have multiple, it’s the only fighting rifle I truly trust my life to in every single situation.
The concept of clearances vs tolerances needs to be understood better by many people!
...and the first thing he says is spring longevity Absolutely correct, and a rarely commented topic From the Lewis and Clark airgun to today's haircutters, most often the weakest spot of any machine is a damn spring
I have 2 AKs i have the Zastava M70 & M90 and they are both awesome
A little over gassed. Mine throws brass to the next damn county. I think another big reason for the reliability is that the piston keeps all the carbon from reaching the fire group and bolt.
My first rifle I bought was an AK platform. The dealers were constantly steering me away from it towards the AR, some of the customers were giving me looks and one was even grunting and groaning at me for it. I don’t really understand what’s wrong with liking the AK, I love games like metro and stalker so I was just drawn towards Soviet weaponry but I’m still as American fried chicken and apple pie. Probably won’t be going to that store again, it was my first gun store experience and I just felt like I wasn’t welcome the whole time.
I know a military small arms repairman who said it has loose tolerances, so that means when it fills up with dirt it isn't going to fire anymore. Which honestly makes more sense as it had a low tolerance dirt, not it has a low tolerance to dirt so it still works.
Tolerance is the allowance of manufacture error in parts sizing. Clearance is the space between parts when assembled. I believe most people mean clearances when they say tolerances, but both could be contributing to one another in this case.
God: how much forehead do u want? gunbros guy: Yes
Dang. I don't live in the US. But if I did, honestly, working in a gunstore would probably be a goal 😂 our gunstores are kinda boring. Just shotguns and bolt action hunting rifles. Some stores got the "sporting" assortment, but they are few and far between. If you do what you love, and all that jazz.