
One tip with the double sided tape: stick it to the back or palm of your hand first to try and diminish some of the adhesive’s strength! :)


Thank you for trying out different things and sharing your findings/how to!


I’ve been curious about those products for a while now. I also have a PRO300, so your video aligns perfectly with my needs.


I’ve been using these cards for some time now and absolutely love them! I mostly use the pearl satin finish and also print my photography name and social media handles on the back as well as the photo title and description of the photo. I use a Canon Pixma Pro10 to print and does a fantastic job


Bought some of these a while back but was frustrated by the process. Loved the idea. In my Epson P900 trying to print borderless the paper wasn’t held in place and every print ended up skewed. Maybe after seeing this I’ll give it another shot. It’s a great idea for a presentation piece or a leave-behind for a possible client/agency


I actually own one of these boxes and never knew how to print on it without making a mess. Thanks for this video. It was very interesting.


I've been meaning to order a few of these for a while, to hand out samples, but always chicken out. Great timing!

Little tip about the tape - painters tape on the back of the card makes it easier to remove without any marks


Been there, done that. If you hand form the card to straighten out flat they go through the printer just fine without the template on my canon pro 1000


I print directly on those cards, without mounting on any other paper - but then I print "with border". I use the bigger cards, and print "A5" with maybe  half an inch of a border on all four sides. I was not aware you should/could stick them onto anything else before printing...


Found Scotch Double-Sided "Removable" tape. Works great!


I didn't even know Hahnemühle made note cards! Another great video.


Well done comparison.  Thanks for doing that.  Wondering how the 4 compared in curling?  In the video, the one on your left looked noticeably more curled but maybe that was just a video artifact.   Print curling seems like an under addressed topic in general, especially on larger papers.  Certainly it doesn’t matter much if you’re mounting them to something, but for a use like a boxed portfolio it’s a big deal.


Todd, thanks for the video as well as the great content you provide. It’s always a treat to see your videos pop up in my queue. I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding the canon pro 300 versus the canon pro 1000 (and now the new 1100). I’m curious why you decided on the smaller printer? Given how your photography and printing continue to evolve, would you make different choices if you were buying a printer now?


I enjoy your videos and your pleasant personality ! Is this the only size available ? Also you were using before Red River Paper but you are now with Hahnemühle, I would be interested to now your thoughts about that . Thanks !


Hello Todd great videos! I have the web design of your sponsor 'squarespace' but have yet to get the full use. any chance you will be making a 'how to use' video in the future?


Hey! Random question but what mouse and keyboard are you using? I need to get both as I started working on a monitor. Appreciate your answer!


I dont understand.... why use these cards when you can get 6x4 photopaper?  Would that not be easier...


Todd see my reply to Jeff Bannon, it was meant to come direct to you. Oops


What a gimmick. I bought 2 tins of these and the workflow is a NIGHTMARE!!!!!


double sided "masking tape"