I dropped my phone in water last week, and water is coming out of my speakers from playing this. You might’ve saved my phone. Very wholesome content, Plainrock!
"take out the screen like a newborn baby out of his crib" sound: BAMMM
Doctor: This shot doesn’t hurt Kid in the other room: 8:01
King’s voice compared to his actions is horrifying
This is the best definition of Passive-Aggresive so far
1:09 "SON OF A B-" got me dying💀
8:00 the table collapsing had me in tears
My ears feel like I just listened to heavenly words.
King: “I dont blame you if you fall asleep to this game” Me: I just woke up 8 minutes ago
PLAINROCK IN HIS ASMR ERA 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love that he brought race with ryan
My favorite part is when the fire alarm goes off and King screams into the mic
This is unironically, the funniest shit ive ever seen.
“SON OF A BI-“ was personal😭😭
7:54 this is one of the best things in plainrock history
“We want to carefully slice Ryan open” Ryan’s parents: PERSONAL THREAT IDENTIFIED. POLICE CALLED.
I can’t believe they gave the Nintendo Switch a new PS5 theme
8:00 so soothing to my ears….i can fall asleep at this part….they should make a one hour version of this….😊☺️
"Like taking a newborn baby out if its crib" THUMP Never change, Plainrock. Never change.