
Nice review!


Expecting mine from SmallRig tomorrow - ordered the Canon version.




Does it have a probability to destroy yung camera like leaking or what? Beginner here. Thank you in advance


Curious if the LPE6 batteries from smallrig will allow charging via USB C inside the camera while shooting
I love this feature and if smallrig incorporated that I’m all for it!


Why can't we just charge battery by camera usb-c port?


Can you charge from the port it while it's running?


I grabbed two right away! It’s not as good as the canon branded batteries at all. I sent them back.


Can it be used as a dummy battery?


That is a wonderful idea, I hope Canon integrates it in their batteries  soon.


This battery was crap, I lost video footage because the battery died when there should have been 25% left. And I get only around 1000 pics with this, I get over 2000 with Canon's LP-E6NH


I travel with 2 batteries and a charger. It’s not a huge liability.