
I absolutely adore how their genre is "whatever the heck we feel like today"


Such an uplifting song ! when you're sad, just listen to this song and watch this MV, her voice and appearance are like a little sun shining on your dark mood!


MARiA´s voice is so cheerful...  she makes any song a happy song.


Never get tired of her voice <3


SHE'S SO PRETTY I'M CRYING ................................


Nani wo shitete mo taikutsu na 
every day
Kokoro odoru you na tokimeki 
Shiranakatta yo kimi ni deau made
Mahou mitai ni hirogaru 
Brand new world
Oshiete oshiete
Kimi to boku no aikotoba
Tsunagaru tsuna garu
Yuuki wo dashite
Hitori yori kimi to nara motto
KIRA KIRA ni kagayaku no
Kimi no "suki" boku no "suki" ga
Majiwareba saikou ni!
Tamani kenka mo 
jinsei no SUPAISU?
Nandakanda de 
yappari ochitsuku shi
Dare ni mo ienai 
himitsu no hanashi mo
Kimi ni dake wa ieru no 
Best friend
Katarou katarou
Kimi to boku no aikotoba
Tsunagaru tsunagaru
Kore kara mo zutto
Hitori yori kimi to nara motto
Tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo
Boku ni wa nai kimi ni aru mono
Awasareba saikyou ni!
Honto ni daiji na koto wa
Tasuuketsu ja kimerannai yo
Kudaranaku nanka nai
Kimi to boku wa deaeta
Mune hatte "suki" da to sakebou 
Oshiete oshiete
Kimi to boku no aikotoba
Tsunagaru tsunagaru
Yuuki wo dashite
Hitori yori kimi to nara motto
Tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo
Boku ni wa nai kimi ni aru mono
Awasareba saikyou ni!
Hitori yori kimi to nara motto
KIRA KIRA ni kagayaku no
Kimi no "suki" boku no "suki" ga
Majiwareba saikou ni!
Kimi to nara saikou ni!


the first song by garnidelia that i though feel of cheerfullness AND fancy
well the lyrics tell it already
thumbs up for MARIA and TOKU




Mai's beauty is unparalleled.  An angel of my dreams.  The cutest and purest.  Mai I love you!


I never really paid too much attention to GARNiDELiA until I heard this song. I love it so much! Turns out it's the opening theme to the anime "Animegataris" I might watch it now if it means hearing this song over and over again xD


Every time I see MARiA I just die over how adorable she is hECK we don’t deserve such an angel


For some reason the more you listen to it the more catchy it sounds...


I love how gracefully MARiA moves when dancing. It can be seen that she is working hard on choreography. And she sings beautifully.
The opinion of someone who is not fanboy.


Damn, this MV is pretty good, it's crazy how she can change her type of music ! :o


Very lively and vibrant. I like how they dress up to match the song itself.


I really love the "Motto!" part,I swear couldve seen Sagiri jumping everytime aha


Never get tired of her beautiful voice and dancing


Please have another song like this! It feels so positive making up for this dark world nowadays.


comunidade asiatica..obrigado pelo show de ritmo...deviam trazer estas pessoas para shows no brasil...e muito boa a musica..e sem baixaria...e puro ritmo....adorei,,..


I love her dancing