In one study a whopping 75% of executives said that the biggest drain on their resilience was “managing difficult people or office politics at work.”
Rise Humanity rise. Rise up from all of the lies. Rise up to clarity, let go of old ideology. Humanity is one big family! What injures you injures me. It is time that we become free, and trust our own guide from within and begin; to heal Humanity as a whole, joining each other soul to soul. Namaste.
I really love your Poscah. From Laos. It is really help to improve English.
Dear Sir, The question is the effect of the entry of the asteroid and it's movement through the outer ozone layers of the planet earth. Thank you Kalaranji Maheswaran
Сытый голодного не вразумеет. Пусть у всех будет достаток и любовь🙏
Best solutions
I ❤ Summit of the Future & Emergency Platform. 😂
Like number 111. First, that's awesome as I just started a new playthru, and second, that's criminally underliked. Don't forget to like the team that brought this for free. It's solid content.
As a result of colonialism, the Europeans population has grown too large for them to feed on their own. They depend on the farms in Central America, so they try to take over Mexico so they can control to supply routes for the food shipments. Mexico can force the Europeans to negotiate by blockading the food shipments. Europe does not have enough farms or land to feed their own population. Colonialism is unsustainable.
Its not human in any way its end game is inhuman our planet is self sustaining people wake up
Do ordinary people in Sovereign nations have a say on all this!
I owe $10 from around 2006 to the save darfur conflict
Waiting eagerly
❤how can we sustain our future
Global Awareness drive Climate Action Campaign is on. Global Awareness drive is working on Pilot projects on Climate Action and Peace Campaign. Join our Campaign.
Their is no asteriod cant be it doesnt fit in our real universe n how its made ..of course they lie
🎉 UN weekly, that starts with Football match, talks about a fairer future, where 17% of 17 SDG achievements shall leap frog to 100% achievement through concensus reform of UN , mainly of security council by preventing weaponaization of space, use of AI in climate change, environment, celebrate reduction in child mortality, cleaner cooking fuel and most importantly rebuilding Trust👏💫