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I understood this so well because after healing from trauma I started to see the universe under a different lence and started to experience it as an entity that I am connected too.




You can just make a video of silence and that can be enough. 🙏❤️ Thank you for sharing!


Great teaching Jason and thank you for sharing this wonderful knowledge and many more. You are a Beacon of Light to Humanity. We needed all these classes at an early age instead of the so called Education. Thank you again , Jason


People need to hear this now more than ever.


what a great video to bring this ultimate knowledge at these times of need. Thank you.


Great talk. Thanks Jason.


4:48 to 5,52:  ''Know the Universe as pure existence itself... But it is only our subjectivity that warps that, and tries to give meaning and shape to something that is completely non-dual and pure...''

Excellent video, thanks. 
I sometimes imagine that, when spiritually advanced, a person can be symbolically like a sphere.  And that sphere is a microcosm of the macrocosm (Brahman), which is like an infinitely large sphere.  So on one level, we are Brahman, and on another level we are a piece of Brahman experiencing this 3D life/ journey (perhaps aka Atman?).  Do you think this way of thinking is restrictively subjective,  or useful for gaining insight?


You are an amazing Intellectual. I just bought your book "The Science and Practice of Humility " on Kindle.  Namaste 🙏


One of your most cogent talks, sir.  🙏🏽


Timely Thank You!


Good explanation. 


Love it!🤗


In his manifest form, as seen in deep meditation,Lord Dattatreya has his own light. He does not touch anything material. The light he sheds is either pale blue or pale red. When he is formless, he is pure bliss or immense Ananda which cannot be explained in words. In his manifest form he is everywhere in the universe. When he is formless,the universe itself vanishes. So the universe has dual existence  I.e. one with form and the other formless or non existing. Jiva must realise the manifest form of Dattatreya first before transcending to his formless state. After attaining the formless state Jiva does not exist and he becomes Brahman himself. What Adi Shankaracharya said is true. He said that only Brahman is reality and the world or universe is an illusion created by Maya. Jiva is part of Maya till he is liberated from Maya and becomes Brahman after realising his true nature.


This is a good video. Whenever there is a video about Buddhism some Advaitists jumps in to say Buddhism is the same as Advaita. If someone understands this video it should be obvious that they are not the same. Advaita nor any other vedic teachings have any idea of interdependency (paticca samuppada). They just give a different interpretation of reality - admittedly one that is very advanced, more so than modern scientific views. Buddhism is not about giving a world view,  according to Buddhism , a world view does not give vimukthi or liberation or transcendence. What some advaitans do is take the "emptiness" concept of Tibetan buddhism and try to say Athman/Brahman is the complementary argument. But the experience of emptiness is also interdependent on avijja (ignorance) - so unless the advaitans are ready to say Athman/Brahman is interdependent on avijja, it is clearly nowhere near the same.


🙏 Looking forward to class in Feb




Hallo Jason, I would like to meet you one day in person.
Keep up the good work. Best regards. Faan van Niekerk

