
True. If I may add, any stories that have impact to anyone’s life will not be easily forgotten… and all of Jesus’s stories are truly impactful, therefore not easily be forgotten.  God bless your ministry!


Thank you Dr. Sean!!! ❤✝️


Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿
His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯


Matthew wrote that Jesus said he hasn't come to abolish the Law of Moses, but to fulfil it. Yet, Mark wrote that Jesus made all foods clean. Problem is that the Law says that not all foods are clean. So, how can a person fulfil a law that they altered? I don't know what's going on there.


Not to mention that Jesus also promised the Apostles that the Holy Spirit would bring all of Hos teachings back to their remembrance!


I love how this dude just basically insults the intelligence of his audience. How many times did he kill fig trees? Multiply fishes? Walk on water? Lol, whatever dude.


The disciples were illiterate peasants….how could they take notes? What reasons are you referring to? 

What evidence  do we have that Jesus taught over and over again? I understand you assume he did, but what’s the evidence? 

Oral cultures are not nearly as clear cut as you portray them. There’s solid evidence in cultures in this region during Jesus time that cultures were expected to change stories they heard to fit the community in which they lived. 

Lots of special pleading in this video Sean, you’re better than that


We have alternative gospels, and the book of Mormon. This proves Sean wrong