Mark is quite simply one of the finest guitar players on the planet.
The drumming of Terry Williams is absolute genius.
I’m actually happy you didn’t stop it a million times and just sat back and enjoyed what you were experiencing. That is the best reaction.
Mark Knopfler's sound is his own, nobody else sounds like him
TELEGRAPH ROAD from the same concert is a must.
It always shocks me when people say they've never heard of these iconic bands. Dire Straits is magical perfect.
Mark Knopfler is one of the GOATS! This clip never gets old!
I was there that night, and was one of THE most memorable gigs I’ve ever been to. It’s Mark Knopfler and the K is silent. No auto tune, no backing tape just bare bones, raw talent. He describes his style chicken picking.
You were not boring. We were all in awe, despite having seen this performance many times. It is that good.
Mark Knopfler is in the top 20 guitarists of all time. His unique style of finger picking is amazing. This is also one of the best guitar riffs ever in concert. He is still playing today. I have watched this performance at least 30 times and I never get tired of it! Truly a master! ❤️🔥👍
Nothing boring about that at all! One of the greatest live performances of all time.
You're the first person to call it for what it was. A beautiful six minute solo. A six minute solo that's in love with the song. Awesome reaction folks
The drummers dad was in the audience for the first time, so Mark said .... just go for it. And he did !!!!
My all time favourite live performance from any band. Back when there was no click tracks in their ears (you can even see the drummer counting out loud the 4 beats to the bar) no auto tune or any other technology enhancing tricks. Just raw musical skills put together in such an entertaining way from every single person on the stage. And to think that crowd had no idea they were taking part in a musical masterclass that would transcend the ages.
I dare anyone to watch this live performance without grinning through pure respect and admiration of musical craft of the highest order 👏👏
I love that Mark leaves room for everyone to shine. Every musician on the stage at the top of their game and enjoying themselves so much. When the artists are enjoying it, so are the audience. Fabulous performance. It's pronounced "noff-ler"
The Drummer Killed It.
The most amazing thing about Mark Knopfler is that he's actually left-handed yet mastered a right-handed guitar to a level most right-handed players can only dream of attaining. True virtuoso.
Magical Mark Knopfler and the wonderful sound of Dire Straits. Perfection !!!