
This is one of the only thunderstorm sounds that doesn't sound like static or a frying pan. Well done and sweet dreams. 😴


perfect balance of peace and terror, i love storms


This is why people chase storms. I cannot look away.


after having the sun bake your area all day, the thunder storms that come out can be beautiful yet terrifying. this manages to perfectly capture it


There's something about storms that centers & calms me. When it storms where I am, I feel complete.


To the person reading this. I know you're tired with all of this, but you should know. You did a good job. You are great. You deserve to be happy


I so envy people living in places that have proper thunderstorms. I live in the UK and we've got a weather warning for thunderstorms today, which means 0% of a storm actually happening


Mentally I'm there, waiting for the storm, breathing in the electric air, dissolving in darkness 

Thank you 🖤


I want to feel the rain drops on my face and the wind blow through my clothes before I go inside and snuggle n bed under the quilt my mom made for me and sleep a few hours and just dream.


An Outstanding Video !    This is an awesome sound of a thunderstorm !    The thunder echoes across the landscape, so determined to make its presence known !   This is wonderful to listen to as I relax because it is soothing to my mind, heart, and soul as I love hearing nature's voice singing a beautiful melody !   Thank you for this Fine Blessing !   🐎*...


This is my dream weather for Texas RIGHT NOW!


Please don't stop making these videos. I haven't slept this good in months!


This my friends is the definition of a supercell. If you look at the base of the mesocyclone there appears to be a tornado 🌪


Now this is pod racing! You're realling killing it with these storm and big sky scapes!


Amazing as always I love your channel 🌪️👍🖤✨


Beautiful views, accompanied by the sound of rain and thunder to sleep soundly. Thank you for the video ❤


This is so beautiful. Way more than I expected. Than you for the upload.❤


this is the best thunderstorm ambience ever! its not that loud or too less just perfect! thanksss


This is lovely thanks!


This is the best YouTube channel I've ever come across