Thanks for this, I'm a 62yr old Scottish Christian guy from Glasgow, who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease when I was 59yrs old, I can't concentrate for long periods, but I'm reading the Qur'an for the 3rd time just now, & I truly believe that it's the word of God..
I am a Mexican American revert, I feel exactly what he is saying. My husband is not a Muslim, he's a "traditional Catholic", non-practicing, and now he is at the stage of asking questions. Insha'Allah, one day I can give a story like this brother did. I am crying looking at his wife's pictures.
I'm revert too,now I'm more happy with who I am and what I have.. Alhamdullilah Rabbul Alamin...for guiding me into Islam
His face is radiating positivity just the way a Muslim's face should. Salam from Bosnia to all my brothers and sisters.
Nothing is more beautiful then watching the new Muslim stories, very emotional… may Allah guid all of us and reward us on the highest levels of janah.Amen
As a born Muslim, watching revert stories strengthens my own belief.
I’ve been having a strong feeling to revert to Islam.. I’ve been researching and reading Quran for months and months.. I loved this testimony and want to thank you for sharing it with us.
Allah swt bless Ahmed Deedat. People still reverting from all his hard work he left behind. Allah swt bless him continuously in his grave and the hear after, ameen.
Thank my revert brothers and sisters for inspiring me to become a better Muslim.
I love this! Not only about himself to Islam but also about his wife! His tolerance and patience and genuine love for his wife resulted her to become a believer alhamdulillah
As an American Revert 43+yrs. ago, AlhamduAllah!!,🤲🏻,, at the age of 17, I can relate so much to his story. The feeling of finding what I knew existed (innately), is so exhilarating! It makes you so happy, even if you don’t know that much about Islam yet. The hunger to learn more & more, is so strong & each time you learn something new, it leads you to another thing, & another thing. You just feel that sense of peace & tranquility in your life because you have embraced Islam, Subhannah Allah!! I read some of these same pamphlets & books that he also read. I could not help but smile, remembering some of those early learning experiences, that I also had. There was no internet resources back in my day of converting. In 1981. It’s now referred to as “reverting”, because we believe that all people are created by Allah (God) with an innate sense of him placed inside of us, while in our mother’s womb. Allah knew he would ask us about our belief in him & because , he is The Fairest & Most Just, he would not create his creation without having instilled this innate sense of knowing him inside of us. We are all born into various belief systems, or the lack thereof. Then we are socialized by our parents, communities, & cultures, to follow blindly whatever they believe. But that innate sense is always still there. I’m so happy for this brother & his wife. I am so glad that she also decided to embrace Islam. They are both very blessed to have come to Islam organically. It happened just the way it was supposed to, Mash’Allah!! I always say “Allah doesn’t make mistakes!”. If anyone who has not yet embraced Islam is reading this, or if a Muslim knows of someone that is curious about Islam, even if only for educational purposes,s. I highly recommend a YT Video called “How the Bible led me to Islam”, by Joshua Evans. It is a great introduction for Christians to learn about what Muslims believe in brief, in comparison to what we are taught growing up as Christians. There are so many great “Muslim Revert Stories” out there as well. People from all spiritual levels, ethnicities, backgrounds, socioeconomic, & educational levels, that share how they came to embrace Islam. There are stories of Atheists embracing Islam as well. My “Best Wishes!!” for each of you on your spiritual journey. If you sincerely ask Allah (God) to guide you, I’m sure that he will! Islam teaches “Allah wants us to ask for forgiveness, because Allah Loves To Forgive!!” “Allah Kareem!!” *(Allah is The Most Generous!!”
I also left Christianity for Islam over 20 years ago, al hamdulillah..
Thank you for all your hard work sharing these videos! Love and support from a woman who finds happiness from hearing how others find the truth 🥹
American revert who grew up in the Deep South. While never a Christian myself, I never "felt" anything when reading the New Testament. It was just like reading any other book. After an unexplained experience involving golden lights I read the Quran for the first time in my life at age 48 and whoa. Just the Al-Fatiha alone caused a powerful emotional rush. And the more I read, the more overwhelmed I became. Life itself looked different after. As if my eyes had been yanked out, cleaned spotless and placed back in.,,,,,,, Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah for everything's ❤
Wow. Probably the most eloquent revert story I've listened to.
he was a true christian, and he became stronger muslim.
Am a Christian am beginning to have a different view about islam, i think i need to study more about islam, thanks for the video