
I have just watched your ‘my life is a mess’ video and I just wanted to say that you are a really big inspiration to me and definitely many other people, not only does your ambition and kindness permeate through the video,  but you also have a certain humility that is hard to come by. I sincerely thank you for making your videos and hope you have a great day :)


Hey I'm from Montreal Canada and im studying computer science and finance and I really love your video man ! Keep up the good work


Hey Samuel, love the series, really entertaining to watch your progress! I was wondering, why do you plan on exiting the startup and not growing the company yourself once it takes off?


Incredible video, keep posting these startup episodes


I would be interested in more technical details on how you pitch to investors and what goes in to the delta v application. The pool and restaurant clips are entertaining but don't provide any ROI.


It's so entertaining that it could be a netflix series. In the video you mentioned law firms being old-school and inefficient for monetary purposes, perhaps it is like when spotify first came out and had to deal with the old-school record label companies. There is also a great netflix show about that :D


Hi Samuel! what similar resources to AoPS would you suggest for learning physics more in depth?


Best youtuber in the World ❤


Very inspiring!


Hey can i please ask how did you reach here, ie. What did you do at undergrad and masters?


tell Emily I believe that she’s working 💅🏼💅🏼


Can you make a video about your other/ first start up? What happened with that?


You made me believe that the impossible is in many cases correctley speaking: unlikely, but as I like to challenge myself to reach the top quantiles I always push myself hard to achieve those unlikely probabilities that we put in our minds. So this year I'll travel to US to my Doctorate Sandwich at UC Berkeley :)


Why didn't you adopted a career in academics and instead chose a startup?


Yall should listen to lone


Great video! I always enjoy your content.  But do yourself a favor! Stay away from lawyers! Believe me this is a lesson I learned a long time ago!


My advice. Skip startup and put all that money in bitcoin now while its low before it blows up. 95.8% of start ups fail. Bitcoin sure road to riches