
Time to reclaim each and every piece of our heritage!


Blood boils


I recommend reading Flight Of Deities And Rebirth Of Temples by Meenakshi Jain, the book gives history and photos detailing desecration of so many ancient temples


Bindu Madhav also in Varanasi. Just read in a book by Diana eck, Banaras- city of light


Shame on Indian Govt., Judiciary, Civil societies. who couldn't reclaim atleast these 4 mandirs in 70+ years of independence


It is a matter of concern that the Temples destroyed & occupied have yet to be reclaimed.


They didn't write all of this in school ' s book ..




Muslim KMB


You got it wrong. Its Radha Govinda temple in Vrindavan not Madanmohan. 4 stories of that temple was destroyed.


so the gist is he was a bastard


Based Aurangzeb πŸ—ΏπŸ«‘