"My hot cocoa" made me laugh 6×😂
how Lia's brother was so calm while she was so energetic lol
Sari's face when you asked him to come closer I'm dying 🤣
"Sweet home Alabama" my dude just went through all 5 stages of grief ✋️😭
'mY hot COcoa' HA HA!!!!!! she never fails to make us laugh!❤😂
The fact that moni just come and snatch the cocoa like "i'm the youngest here it's mine" and took it away😂
Her relasionship with her older brother is so strong ❤❤
Moni was like "oOoOh HoT cOcOa tHx"
“put it in!” “put it out..” “OKaY!” 😭😭
whene she says my hot coco I was getting down from stairs 😅😅😂❤❤😊
“MILKILTY MILK MILK” the way she jumped at sari had me dead 😂😂
The "Brrrrrrr ❄️ "Brrrrrr" just had me rolling on the floor laughing
His face when she said"LALALALA SAY IT-" 🤣
“AH MY EYES”made me laugh my heart out😂😂😂😂😂
“Guess who is Joshua……..it’s him” “Sweet home Alabama”. Got me dying 😂 because he was the kid under the black sweater
“Sweet home Alabama” THAT ONE GOT ME HAHAHHAJA
"Sweet home alabama" got me dying 💀
Her brother is sooo cute 🥺