
It's important to remember that Activision only doubled down on AI after the Microsoft acquisition. I'm almost certain it's a 50/50 split between Activision and Microsoft being at fault for a bunch of the voice actors leaving, NOT Treyarch themselves - who have a positive history of treating their employees fairly. Either way it's a sucky situation and I wish nothing but the best for the actors, great video as always Noah! 💙


Game was 20 hours. I got jugg from the vending machine, I came up with a route through the room between waiting to activate the trap and when the trap is going to minimize risk. At the end of rounds I used the tomahawk to finish the manglers. I tried to save a killstreak for the abomination spawns. I also did a game up to 150 in first room without using any scorestreaks.


Bugs on this game are menace at this point. Guy in citadel disconnected while i was reviving him and game returned my gun back to my hands without pack a punch.


If rictofen isn't voiced by Nolan North, on top of the voice actors who are already striking, then I say we don't support treyarch or call of duty. It is bullshit that they do this to their own people they have worked with for years.


We did this same thing on Terminus.  We went into the boss battle on a big round.  Shot the boss once and he blew up haha


Bro talked through a whole clip 0:34 🤣


Apparently the voice actor for Sam was the original from 2008. Now she’s been replaced


Haven't seen anybody else talk about this, but you don't have to slide down the tunnel to shoot the raven. Just chuck a grenade into the tunnel where u exit and it'll make the bird fly out.


Wait until he finds out the thermal footprints are your own


The voice change that bothers me the most is the SAM trial lines. The old ones are WAY more flavorful


11:43 same thing happened to me on terminus, teammate stuck inside the map by deadshot. Long story short we couldn’t figure out how to get em out & just left the game 😭


I won’t high round on liberty until
They fix the spiders 1 shorting you.. that gave me PTSD seeing that again


The guy in Liberty falls   Level 200. Is 100%  over the  sipline glitch!!  😂


The video of round 200, the bowling alley is open, he used aether shroud to skip past the two doors into the area up ahead


On citadel that amalgam or whatever it’s called made me trapped in the wall I couldn’t even end the round to save my game I was one step away from the boss fight


i love the troll from the editor 😂😂🙌🏻


For anybody wondering you can still glitch through walls w aether shroud idk where he heard you can’t do that from lmao.


I just discovered that the beggining cutscene of ancient evil on bo4 starts with symbols that r the same from the code step on citedelle which means chaos may have more of a connection to the dark aether story than we thought 😮


I had the orb glitch on Citadel too, and I got the orb just for the light ritual to soft lock


All of the elite enemies in the game have a map breaking glitch. I was trying to get melee macchiato kills for the prestige calling card. Killed an abomination and fell through the map infinitely