
That rapid shake of the head gets me every time.


The tropical fish have more heart than humans do.


"thank you fish" -peter griffin. my new favorite quote


thank you fish


are we not going to talk about how the fish seemed to have a pocket to hold the money


That's how I picture me and all my pets


thank you fish lol.


That head shake


“Oh come on where am I supposed to go, you’re in there!”

shakes head no


Plot twist: Peter is alive and the fish are happy




it looks like peter has a Tiger Barb and a Golden Ram


At least they care about keeping Peter alive.


"Thank you fish" - w -


This whole episode is genius 🤣


that man must really hate money.


Those are the best damn fish ever


That is me every time I close 😂


This is probably one of the most beautiful family guy moments that is not the story relevant ❤️


Look at your pet and realize they can never truly express their love for you 😅