
Great narration  a pleasure,thank you.


"you need to recalibrate your sense of humor"  Loved this story, your narration and your commentary .  Timely.  
Faced with the ever increasing demands of change coming at us with ever increasing force..Buckle Up and keep your sense of humor at the ready.


I always feel excited when stumbling-on a  (good) series of Detective/Mystery-stories formerly unknown to me; Thanks so much for Your enjoyable Reading and Comments!


The Thorndyke stories are very good.  Your narration, as always, does it more than justice.


Thank you for your excellent taste in detective fiction - Thorndyke never disappoints.  Excellent narration, too. Your hard work is much appreciated.


Excellent story, well narrated. Good historical information at the end. Thank you, Tony!


I think that I was pretty convinced that the culprit would turn out to be the solicitor from the moment I heard the way in which the will had been drafted and the foreknowledge the solicitor had regarding the testatrix … but then, I read law at Lancaster University … nice twist that he was merely a fraudster rather than a murderer! Great story, very well narrated.


I love your presentations. I love the fact you debrief the story at the end and give historical content I find it most interesting.😊


Im new to these mystery stories and am most appreciative for the explanations after the reading so I can understand all the nuances. Thanks,  I look forward to listening to more mysteries. You read them wonderfully


America really needs a new pulp magazine featuring detective tales πŸ€”


Great story! You have a marvelous voice for narrating.


Thanks Tony,
particularly for the wonderful writer's advice that you impart so generously.
I only wish that I could become a member, sadly in my situation it's impossible for now. But I always let all the ad's run. Even the ridiculous ones.
This was really a Detective 101, kind of story.  Very easy listening.
As to building codes and bylaws, it's a carbon copy here. Corrupt, but we don't have shanty towns polluting our waterways.  Swings and roundabouts.
Love your talks. Thanks Mr Microphone.  πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Ooooo, delightful.  Freeman was one of the greats. Thank you!


Tony Walker I simply adore you!!! 
Wish you were here or I were there but I feel as if we all are there; in the mystery ! ❀


Very  entertaining also this time, picking up details missed before. Elegant narration, interesting commentary. More Thorndyke, please! You're the best, Tony.  Thanks so much!


I'm a huge fan of R. Austin Freeman and Dr. Thorndyke.  This story is new to me.  Delightful...


I really liked this story. I enjoyed your observations at the end. Clarified several things from the story. Definitely interesting about how you guesstimated the time period in which the story took place. Well Done.
Story ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Perfect Narration ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❀️


Another excellent narration of a great detective story! I've never heard of this particular author, so I appreciate this introduction to him as well as all the background info. Great channel - glad I found you!


Brilliant job once again your selections & narrations are always so captivating & highly entertaining. Thank You!


We have holiday houses too, ramshackle and much loved. In the south of the South Island (NZ) we call them cribs. They’re on land in beauty spots now so valuable there is no way you would be able to build a new one.