
Your video is absolutely healthy and clean thanks for your advices!Really appreciate!Greets from Greece


You make me constantly want a Breville Control Freak even though it costs so much 😢


Thank you for doing another Control Freak video!! 👍🏻👍🏻


Have you done these for other pans and foods? I loved it.


300 F (149 C) for the WIN. I just made an egg that slid around like an ice cube on a hotplate. (and it was ice-cold straight from the fridge when I dropped it in the skillet)


What if I dont have a burner to tell the temp?


What’s a “French tablespoon”. Is it a different measurement than a regular tablespoon?


Thanks uncle Scott, but here in Europe we are a bit illiterate when comes to deg F. Do you think you could mention the deg C equivalent in your videos. Or in written cartoon form. Thanks.


French tablespoon 😈