This is the true story of the mythological "Garuda" which is the symbol of the Republic of Indonesia. This is a story that actually tells the origins of Garuda itself, whose name is Garuda, which is the ride of the God Vishnu in Hindu mythology. In ancient times people rode Garudeya or Garuda to protect the archipelago which became the official symbol or official symbol of the Indonesian state. So Alffy Rev tries to describe the figure of Garudeya/Garuda with a true story. This is not just any story made up but a true story from a mythological story. Doing a lot of research on Sukuh Temple as a legacy of inscriptions. I and all the Indonesian people are certainly proud to have Alffy Rev who shows love for Indonesia's Red and White Motherland. Dirgahayu and Happy 79th Independence Day of Indonesia๐ช๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ฆ ๐ฅ
Nusantara is also the name of Indonesia's new capital city
Garuda is the national symbol that bears 5 pillars of Indonesia. These 5 pillars are what holding Indonesia as a nation. Hi guys ๐๐๐ thank you for watching โคโค
garuda adalah simbol ideologi indonesia,yang di sebut Garuda Pancasila . siapapun,apapun suku yang hidup di indonesia wajib tunduk pada ideologi Pancasila.
Itu bukan elang ...tapi GARUDA...kendaraan mitologi dari raja " di Jawa...merupakan burung besar yang selalu melindungi raja dan rakyat serta tanah besar NUSANTARA Salam terkasih dari โค๏ธ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ช๐
The way a nation is proud of its country reflects a sense of gratitude to the Heroes who made Indonesia Independent
Fun fact! Nusantara is an south east asia archipelago. Old Nusantara it's not just Indonesia. It covers several country (this time), Malay, Brunei, Phillipines, Singapore, Thailand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, East Timor, Papua News Guinea, North Solomon, and Torres Strait Islander. The colonial name is Dutch East Indies. But the name nusantara comes from the conqueror, namely the Majapahit kingdom that located in Java Island (Indonesia). Garuda mythology are common for those country. But only Indonesia use for national emblem. By the way, a big thank to you for this MV review! That tears are a big thing!
Alffy rev basically a youtuber / music producer so he made a lot of music about indonesia and put culture into it and its make him viral on internet and a lot of people know him, they dont make adverstisment just make anouncement on his instagram and youtube.. bcs a lot of people know him,, so we or me as personal always waiting his music in Agust 17..
Terima kasih saudaraku telah mereaksi salah satu karya terbaik anak bangsa indonesiaโคโคโค
The Garuda Pancasila (National Symbol of Republlic of Indonesia) unite all different people, culture, language, religion in Indonesia. there is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" banner at Garuda feet meaning "Unity in Diversity" and bear the Pancasila shield on its chest. love from Indonesia
Thank you for appreciating the work of Indonesian children, greetings of respect, greetings of tolerance
Thank u from indonesiaโคโคfor resction the Guardians of Nusantara
โคโคโคMy Indonesia โคโคโค
Video ini belum genap 1 hari saat upload nya tapi saya sudah menonton lebih dari 7x.. Dan setiap menonton selalu meneteskan air mata.. Terutama saat sang garuda terbang tinggi dan berdiri di atas 2 ular, di ikuti dgn semua rakyat yg menundukan kepala nya serta tersenyum kepada sang garuda, para binatang pun ikut berkumpul menyambut kedatangan sang garuda.. Seakan sang garuda menyapa kembali dgn gembira nya, dgn mengepak kan sayap nya dgn anggun Dirgahayu ke-79 tanah air ku, jaya selalu, terbanglah tinggi garuda ku๐๐๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ช
Terima kasih, Guys. For the greeting and the kind reaction. โค
ALFFY REV... CLASSS... ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ MERDEKA๐ฒ๐จ
Anda saja merinding menyaksikan video ini, apalagi saya.. ๐ข reaksi yang Sangat natural.
The Guardian of Garuda. Ibarat tentara para pejuang Indonesia melawan penjajah rakyat & bangsa Indonesia di seluruh Nusantara yg dianalogikan sebagai 2 ular. Thank you to reaction the journey of symbol our nation " GARUDA " by Alfy rev. Indonesia ๐ฒ๐จ merdeka โ๐ป๐๐ป