Thank you so much Faruk, i appreciate your content, god bless you. Do you advise a general store, niche store or one product store?
Thinking of trying Sell The Trend dropshipping platform based on recommendations. Would love to see your take in a video tutorial.
dear you forgot VAT, which seems to be equivalent to your average profit margin, dear.
when to kill after 15 usd? after no sale or no atc?
In shopify droppshiping course you said that we have to have 5ad sets and on each put $10.77, now you saying its $15 on averange. Can you explain how to test product with $15? Thanks
Could you link the skool program?
Where can I find your course legend?
Dear, you forgot the 20% VAT, which seems to be your average profit margin, dear.
if i m targeting EU countries which language do i need to make my store in?
Profit 0$😂