Halo rash, mau cerita dikit. Gw udh bkin orang yg tulus sm gw pergi. Dan pd akhirnya gw yg tangisi hal itu sendiri. Bbrapa kali gw di ksih ksmpatan, tapi slalu gw sia²in. Dan sekarang gw bru ngerti gmn rasanya jd org yg tulus, gw bru ngerti perjuangan nya selama ini gak sdikit. Mau di blg nyesel udah pasti. Skrg udh gak ad lg ksmpatan kek dulu, Rash. Dia udh ama yg lain skrg, dan gw pun gk bsa bhongi prasaan gw sndri klo emg sakit ngeliatnya. Tapi di satu sisi gw jg seneng bnget akhirnya dia bsa lepas dri org brgsek kek gw. Skrg gw cm bsa lihat dia nemuin bhgianya sendri. Gw ga bsa bntu ap² selsin ngeliat dia sukses dgn pilihanya sendiri. Yaudahlah, waktu emg gbsa di ulang, tpi rsa syg gw ke dia gbsa di tuker sm apapun. Smoga hal baik mnyertainya slalu Tuhan, trimaksih sdh mmpertemuka gw dgn slah satu ciptaan terbaikmu. Mksih.
Hal yg paling tidak mengenakan adalah, disaat kamu merasa sesak hingga tercekik, rasanya begitu penuh namun air mata tidak kunjung jatuh. Makanan kesukaan baik pedas ataupun manis tidak bisa lagi menolong, dan air mata tetap saja enggan keluar dari sarangnya. It hurts, Too real, For real.
Lagu ini kya reminder untuk berhenti dan membiarkan sesuatu terjadi sesuai porsinya. Sedih yang tidak perlu terlalu disedihkan apalagi disangkutpautkan dengan kejadian lain yang tidak berkaitan, atau bahagia dan kelegaan atau mungkin sikap baik orang lain yang hanya perlu disyukuri dan dirasakan saja tanpa perlu berharap kita bakal lebih bahagia kalau sama dia terus-terusan
halo arash, temen ku suka banget sama lagu-lagu kamu, namanya aya. hampir setiap aku lagi duduk satu meja sama aya, pasti ada lagu ini di puter. sempet waktu itu kita mau praktek nyanyi buat ujian terakhir kita kelas 12, tadinya aya ngajakin pake lagu ini cuman kayanya nadanya ketinggian buat kita berdua wkwk, alhasil kita ga jadi pake lagu ini deh. sebenernya kita udah ngerencanaain buat nonton konser kamu setelah kita berdua dapet kampus, tapi ternyata Tuhan lebih lebih sayang sama aya karena aya udah di panggil duluan. setiap aku puter lagu-lagu kamu selalu masih keinget dia, jujur sedih banget, yang tadinya aku dengerin lagu kamu sama temenku sekarang jadi dengerin sendirian. oiyaa makasi banyak ya arash sudah menciptakan lagu-lagu yang sangat hangattt, semoga sukses selalu!! maaf ya ikut cerita dikit, lagi kangen banget soalnya sama aya💜
rash, kalo lagi cape dan gatau mau cerita ke siapa, boleh ya cerita kesini? sorry to say but im not that stronger. kadang cape, kadang ngerasa lemah, kadang ngerasa berlebihan, kadang ngerasa ga pantes, ga pantes buat semuanya, ga pantes dicintai, ga pantes dapet ujian seberat ini, ga pantes bahagia. but ill be okay, aku juga tengah berusaha, melewati semuanya satu per satu. ayah, ibu, kakak, jangan pergi dulu ya, tunggu aku sampai bisa berjalan sendiri selayaknya manusia dewasa lainnya. for u arash, thanks for was make a sweet song for my bad day, semangat juga kamu💓.
Lagu ini jadi my endless-loop-song selama beberapa bulan terakhir gue skripsian. Thank you so much rashh, gue berasa ditemenin dan dielus-elus tiap tengah malem and be told "gapapa skrg nangis aja kalo emang berat, tapi lo ga sendiri kok, abis ini kita doing well lagi ya"... and good news, gue baru kelar ujian sidang skripsi, thank you for you too nih soalnya make me tetep stay sane HAHA. and yeah, thank you so much for this beautiful masterpiece, and thank you so much for existing, arash&anya<3...
i think this is makes us realize that it's okay to cry until the tightness in our chest decreases, crying doesn't mean we're weak. We are strong because we have come to this point. it's okayyy, at least for today.
hari-hari penuh luka, mulai dewasa dari lara, menjauh dari kamar rumah untuk mencari tawa, pulang tuk kembali menutupi duka.. biarkanlah saja seperti ini dulu hanya terisi lelah bukan menyerah bisa tenang itu sudah susah apalagi mencoba untuk merasa tidak apa-apa
Hallo, boleh sedikit cerita di kolom ini. Jujur dengernya itu sambil nangis sebab. Aku berharap dunia akan baik" saja sambil waktu berjalan teryata aku salah besar dan jika ada satu orang yang bisa membuat sebuah langit indah aku sangat bersyukur. Karena ada suatu harapan yang pasti untuk kedepannya. Terimakasih semoga bisa terinspirasi dari lagu kalian ini, love banyak" terimakasih sudah mengajarkan untuk bermimpi indah dengan sebuah harapan akan baik" saja 🥺
Should I stay? (should I stay) Should I leave? (should I leave) Keep picking up these broken pieces of me If I could (wish I could) Take it back (to your dreams) Just wouldn't it be better if we never met? All the hopes and promises I should've kept Knew that it would end, what more can we expect? Hmm-mm It's okay to cry for a little while We'll just keep trying to find a way out In another life Another time Maybe we'll be alright Sooner or later, we'll just laugh it out There'll be nothing left here to worry about In my arms, you'll stay And I'll keep you safe And we'll be okay At least for today I'm okay (we're okay) We're okay (we're okay) And we'll be happy once everything ends Tell me why should we try? Can we just feel enough? Wouldn't it be better if we never met? You're all the hopes and promises i should've kept Knew that it would end what more can we expect? Hmm-mm It's okay to cry for a little while We'll just keep trying and find a way out In another life Another time Maybe we'll be alright Sooner or later, we'll just laugh it out There'll be nothing left here to worry about In my arms, you stay And I'll keep you safe And we'll be okay At least for today Maybe once when we get older We figure things have our way, it'll get better Promise me you'll come back stronger I'll wait right here for you It's okay to cry For a little while We'll just keep trying and find a way out In another life Another time Maybe we'll be alright Sooner or later we'll just laugh it out There'll be nothing left here to worry about In my arms you'll stay And i'll keep u safe And we'll be okay It's okay to cry For a little while We'll be alright Atleast for today
Hai, me in februari 2024✨ It's ok kok kalau sekarang berat bgt☺ It's ok ternyata kamu ditabrak habis2an Pasti kamu kecewa bgt yaa tapi, jgn ngurung diri terus yaa, jangan malas makan lagi ☺ U did well beautifull❤🩹
I've been feeling so low these past few days, yet this song brings so much warmth. Terima kasih, Kak Arash!
Hi Arash I'm back, 3 days ago my mom passed away and I always play this MV or listening this song on Spotify when I wanna cry and this song make me feel "lega" karena merasa sangat dimengerti disaat lg terpuruk seperti sekarang ini, thankyou so much Arash 🕊️❤️🩹
Dear person whoever reads this, Hey, you, yes, I am talking right to you. I hope you will see yourself with the eyes I see you one day because I can tell you have some awesome music taste 😊 You're such a beautiful human being and worth and enough. I hope you know that you do only need yourself to be happy. I know society builds up the standard that whenever you're alone you're not living a happy life. But in fact, that is not true, if you start to realize that you actually deserve all the good things happening to you, you will treat yourself a lot nicer. I hope you let yourself rest, dont beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret, nor everything your mind wants to destroy you. I am glad you exist and I hope you wont ever remove your own spot in this world. I dont want you to leave this world unhappy, I want you to live every little second, I want you to feel alive. I dont want you to see yourself just existing. If you're reading this then please never forget to breathe and smile 😊 Life for those who couldnt smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there's no other, hug like its your last one. I love you and send you virtual hugs. You're strong, you're still here.. and I am proud of you. Please dont starve yourself. Please eat, I know its hard but you deserve eat and drink. And if you are somewhere in between, I hope you know that youre stronger than you think, I know you will make it! Now whipe those tears away and smile for me, you really dont know much a smile can bright someone's day, do you? I hope one day yours will become a genuine one where you dont need to fake it anymore because I cant say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. You're worth than every fu**ing cent in this world. This is your sign to stay and treat yourself with love, you deserve it. And in case no one told you today, again I am so proud of you. I hope you will remember my words 😊 Until tomorrow, my friend ❤ By: Anonymous, Fxhub and me
Selalu ada bagian pengen nangisnya buat hari hari yg cukup berat.. Tapi lagu ini ngasih dukungan buat nangis, dan ya, bikin lega untuk rasa jarang ter-ekspresi-kan.. HATUR NUHUN ARASH 🙏
terimakasih untuk waktu yang singkat, dengan rasa yang begitu hebat. ini terakhir sebelum akhirnya kita berakhir. bahagia terus ya Aloysia Lintang Widojati Paramadira. #Yogyakarta2024
selain lagunya indahh, mv nya juga indah bgt, i can't explain this feeling that i'm feeling :' karena setiap denger lagu ini bener bener diem dan nikmatin aja, lagunya bikin tenang. Sukses selalu arashh, anyaa <3! thankyou for making this greaatt song :)
Thankyou arash for making this song! This song became my comfort song now after 'if u could see me crying in my room'. I hope u doing well and stay healthy yaa arashh!!🤍🤍🤍
sebelum ada mv nya, lagu ini dah nyentuh sampe ke hati, n sometimes make me cry. sekarang dah ada mv nya, it feels more touching and real, more cryin’ :” this song fav aku sama dia, when the world feels bad. kita ngedengerin sebelum tidur dan make better hope for later. this song is calm us, ty❤ thankyou arash n anya, hope you guyss can make another touching heart collab again <3