
Sources for this video:

N. Levtzion and J.F.P. Hopkins (2001) Corpus of Early Arabic Sources for West African History. 2nd Edition.

Paul E. Lovejoy (2011) Transformations in Slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa (Third edition).

Martin A. Klein (1998) Slavery and Colonial Rule in French West Africa.

Slave Export estimates taken from:

Thomas J. Bassett and Philip W. Porter (1991) ‘From the Best Authorities’: The Mountains of Kong in the Cartography of West Africa. Journal of African History, 32: 367-413.

Frank T. Kryza (2006) The Race for Timbuktu: In Search of Africa's City of Gold.

Kenneth Lupton (1979) Mungo Park: The African Traveler.

Peter Brent (1977) Black Nile.

Lewis Grassic Gibbon (1934) Niger: The Life of Mungo Park.

Proceedings of the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa (1790) Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. https://archive.org/details/proceedingsofass00asso/page/6/mode/2up

Thomas Jefferson (1821) Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 103-105. 

Arthur Mitchell Fraas (2004) Henry Beaufoy MP and the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. Thesis, Boston College University. https://dlib.bc.edu/islandora/object/bc-ir%3A102157/datastream/PDF/view

Mungo Park (1799) Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: Performed Under the Direction and Patronage of the African Association, in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797.


Its been 2 years i need part 2 ive been on the edge of my seat forever now


This is still my favorite out of all videos/podcasts you’ve made. Would love if you finished the series one day


I Just want to acknowledge the fact that he makes these very indepth, fact checked, and scholarly video essay's for FREE. 
The time and effort of writing, producing and editing these hour long videos just for his love for history is truly admirable.
Awesome content my man, keep up the amazing and wonderful work! 👍


...and then what happened?! We want Kong 2!!! Man this was so interesting. We can thank you, and the extensive journaling. Maybe I missed it, but how was Park’s journal recovered? You and your sources know so much detail about the nuances of his journey


This mans voice is like historic chocolate directly infused into my brain


If you ever start another channel specifically about ancient hand to hand combat, please call it The Fistocrat.


Those are some beautiful maps of Africa.


Just discovered your channel, and I'm in love. Quickly stumbled upon this video and was enthralled... then the MOMENT you get to the mountains of Kong... cliffhanger. It's been two years since this uploaded, and you're still gaining fans who are begging for a part 2!

I say all that with love and appreciation. Work like this takes time, and I absolutely respect that. Please just look at that as a testament to your writing, research, and presentation. It's very good, I just can't wait for more!


I love the idea of cross-channel voice acting here. I recognised some of the voices and was happy to find them mentioned in the description. :)


Excellent, just excellent, the quality of your videos is exceptional


Brilliant, what a cliff-hanger. Looking forward to the next part.


Part II? I really think this is worth bringing in for the landing.  Thank you for your content and all the work you put into it. 👍


Obviously haven't watched yet, but your videos heretofore have been excellent. West Africa is a fascinating topic and I think we could do with a bit more understanding of the area. 

Thank you! And also, I quite appreciate the sources you post


Always love seeing you pop up in my notifications.


You know it's good when you instantly want part 2


Well this is not the man I expected behind “The Voice”. Handsome man 😉, just surprising.


I've been watching this channel for years, in fact from the first release of the Bronze age collapse video, and it's only getting better! Keep it up, Charles! Much love from Bulgaria, if you ever find yourself here, beer is on me!


Will there be a part 2? I'm very curious about what happens next!