
It hurts me so much to see such a talented person do something that ends something so amazing


Not me seeing this 12 days before they go.. 😭😭😭


Japan is so polite, there was no speaking at all during the speech.


watching this after the incident lol


his words seem so genuine, i truly never thought he could be such a horrible human being. ill really miss tuyu


you fucked up pusu
hope everyone can recover except for you
that conviction rate better fall on the 99% you can't gacha spin your way out of this one


Seemingly references to songs

1:33 (Loser Girl) Inferiority complex (rettoukan)
2:00 (Loser Girl) Want to become someone (nanimonoka ni naritai)
2:27 (Loser Girl-ish) Things happening around me (mawari dondondondon)
2:38, 2:42 (Summer breeze ???) Run away from feelings (nigete dakedo, kimochi ni narikirenakute)


This is such a good look into the history of the band, I'm glad this was uploaded


TUYU is my favourite Japanese band (definitely one of my top 10-20 favourite bands at least), I look forward to the music that they will make in the future


Very, very good quality translation.
Thank you for your dedication to TUYU!


god omu's "bye bye" is the most adorable thing i've ever heard

edit: oh god oh fuck


oh my gawd i feel like crying now


Thank you for the translation!




N-buna: "You're not someone who's supposed to be rotting in oblivion on a corner of the internet"
Pusu: rotting in oblivion on a corner of a prison cell instead 😭
I love Yorushika btw, and really, really disappointed with Pusu😥


nice speech :)


Count down before they delete song on YouTube


Wow, who'd say that Pusu-Kun almost killed his girlfriend yesterday, this is so bad

