My great grandfather & grandfather were coal miners (1890’s-1940) who uprose against the evil Pittston coal mine company. These miners were good people, the salt of the earth. I have many records of their toil to eke out an honest life. Sadly they passed from Black lung & their carved coal effigy is still in the family. May God bless the coal miners.
Safety ,wages,and training
Grew up in Keystone W.Va. Can speak on it now. Old man been dead for another ten years. I can remember the strikes as a kid in the early 80s. Got a lil hot around there. Can remember 1/4 sticks of powder & many 5 gal bucket of jack rocks been hid around the house in the day and carried off that night . Sometime ya wake cause ya hear the pop . Sometimes ya just hear about it the next day. Crazy times . Shit blowing up all over the place , ppl pushing junk cars out into the haul roads in front of coal trucks coming off mountains that can’t stop. Yup.
Not far frim there now. With major rich.
Don't forget to mention the union's negative side also..
Yeah and you just wait and see even know we’re not doing it with the coal mining and other projects like we used to then she’s belt ready to hit the fan again stand the people stand back up and take what’s rightfully ours one for all and all for one
Do we use them as an example or a cautionary tale?
Ever heard of "Bloody Harlan" ?
I couldn't imagine coming back from WW1 Europe, to be back in the trenches at home, turn this shit around now.
Coal miner used to mean poor early death, now it means your loaded with great retirement. Laws changed
Legal slavery
They lost though and it took another hundred years for them to actually get what they wanted The movement was good I wouldn't say it was good part on America or Lieberman unions at all I think it's actually a big embarrassment they fought their asses off a lot of them died fighting small civil war if you will and they lost