Also try the road to applecross further north. Love the highlands
I agree, one of the most beautiful places I've ever been ❤
I've been there. So beautiful!!
That entire route North is breathtaking. Glen Cleuch and the Pentlands are also great walks. If you’re in West Lothian the the old Polkemmet pit has been turned into a walk. You can see from there over Stirling, round to the Pentlands and the Bathgate Hills and then South towards Forth. It’s a rare place Scotland. I love it.
The most beautiful country the kindest folks
I love Scotland! Never been where you are though, one day, one day :)
I've climbed those exact mountains.
Well you better visit Norway , Canada and South Island New Zealand and they are very beautiful!
Looks freezing. I'd rather sit by the fire looking at a picture of it hanging on the wall.
Glencoe is awesome but go to Skye - it will even top this ❤😎, promise
Very fortunate..cost £200 from where i live🫡💐
This sounds like something straight out of a lotr movie. Gorgeuous.
I really wish I explored Scotland more when I still lived there. Lovely to see Glencoe. My memories of the place are mixed as I ran a very painful trail marathon there 😅😂
Norway is even nicer, come visit
You've walked the Great Wall of China? Thousands of miles of it? Or do you just mean the few miles around Badaling? Walked on and walked don't mean the same.
I'm sure I would love it. I'm happy for you, and a little jealous.
you are not dressed appropriately for Glen Coe bad example
What I'm hearing is that... you have sailed the world, beheld its wonders / from the Dardanelles to the mountains of Peru / but there's no place like Glencoe ?