
Put a #Believe in the comments if you make it to the end of this video!


Drowning in information; but, Starving for wisdom!❀


Humanity is the only thing we need to be sincerely believe for every one is important to act ❀


I enjoy learning from Gregg Braden. He is fabulous ❀. Thank you ❀


The thing is Gregg, there are soo many changes, and I do feel you get to a place where you don't like what you're seeing! I saw my mother say she'd had enough!


Evan I don,t know how to thank you all you have been doing for me! I wish I could do what you think
I should do but I can not do it! I forget the names of people places what I want to say etc. I forget
a lot! I thank you for all you been doing for me! God Bless you! I thank you from my hearth my friend! All the best to you and your wife! Your friend Tina.πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ•Šβœ¨


I believe πŸ™. Thank you for sharing.


It would be great to excerpt the section on the Hopi wisdom and the two paths for this cycle’s end.  Shorter segments are easier to digest specific points and I believe this is the point where we definitely are at this point in time.


Gregg thnx for all your heartfelt knowledge 
, the feeling is definitely the secret. Next time your in Missouri stop in for a drink im just an hour west of St. Louis. We cud talk for days on this subject. Peace be with you brother.


This is Phenomenal and triggers Realization that was always within.


Grand rising ❀!


I Believe


Para Gregg Braden de Portugal com❀






So how come I don’t see this man talking and seeing the maps that he’s talking about and I just see speech lines.?


Lots of good stuff I. This but it would be nice to have the pictures


Where is all the pictures ??