Raushan is very shy and doesn’t want a stage career. She is studying to be a doctor. She is at Dimash’s concerts sometimes operating the prompter. Dimash’s brother does not sing on stage but plays several instruments and composes. He is very shy too, and currently at music college. He is about 18. He composed a song called Together, which Dimash sings at concerts. You can see Mansur playing drums and guitar on the mv Kieli Meken which Dimash did for the Kazakhstan tourist board, It’s a fast gallop across their land, Amazing.
Conosco le reazioni di Alex come di altri su YT. Ma quando ne conosco uno in genere mi diverto a vedere la prima vera reazione a Dimash (quasi sempre SOS), è quella che in genere lascia tutti sbalorditi, soprattutto quando attacca la prima nota bassa 😂
Привет! Это что-то новенькое, реакция на реакцию? Странный выбор... Я подписана на Алекса и смотрю его напрямую, а ваша так называемая реакция - это лишь кивание головой в знак согласия с Алексом...😂