
I was a faculty student mentor in the MSN program for five years and completed an MS in Management through the business school, so I've been on both sides of the equation, so to speak. Students completing extra courses is uncommon, and most students work hard to complete the minimum number of required courses in the allotted time. Moving lots of extra courses into a term is possible but not the norm for most students. WGU is not a degree mill, so be prepared to work. Having prior knowledge of a subject is helpful but not necessary, the course and the requirements are very well laid out and understandable for the student. However, it is hard work, and passing is not guaranteed. Both your faculty student mentor and faculty instructor want to help you and see you succeed. I highly recommend WGU as a both faculty member and a student.


I started August 1st in the BS-Cybersecuity at WGU. I have also had a great experience so far.


I’m so happy for you and I’ll be praying for all of your success going forward. If I don’t know nothing else I know that Gods got you. I took a course years ago and completed it. We moved and I was ready to work in the field so I called to get a copy of my license and the person I spoke to was so nasty and rude I never called back. I learned a valuable lesson , nothing can stop what God has for you.


I completed my MSML from WGU & I enjoyed it. I completed my Master's program within four months


I waited 3 months between MSCIA and MBA. It really helped to take the time off and recharge. The Master's programs are very reasonable in the number of courses.  Your instructor will provide a 12 month accelerated schedule since most Master's programs are scheduled for 18-24 months.


Current Healthcare management BA student. 
Mostly good experience.  The Healthcare classes suck, in terms of how the info is presented. All the business classes have been pretty enjoyable.


I completed MBAITM and had a great experience! My video goes over my experience but I loved it


Krissy I'm super nervous starting 10/1 I haven't been to school in 20 years I'm going for the BS health and human services


Thank you so much for sharing your experience.  Really appreciate it.


So great to hear a review from a current student! I am considering the BS in software engineering. i completed my BA in 2022 in two pretty irrelevant fields so i really wanna get a BS.


Im starting Oct 2nd thanks so much for sharing!!


Im a current student working toward the BS in Business Admin-Healthcare Management


I'm starting Oct 1st . I will be getting my Bachelor's degree information Technology  .


Starting April 1st, Im going for my  Bachelor of ScienceIN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT


I am really trying to debate if I want to go to Capella or WGU. I just hope that I pick the best school for me.


Thanks hun I truly enjoyed your video


I learnt its not for people outside U.S . This hurts so much


How many FOREIGN students ( outside of North America and Western Europe) does WGU have in a given 6-month period?


Does anyone feel that with all of the people finishing in a few months, people will stop taking it seriously? Especially the MBA. I just don't see how you can learn the material in that timeframe. Just my opinion. I went there and found the classes really good, but the support and customer service was slow and horrible. I seem to be in the minority though!


Great video sis