A gentle and humorous illustration of a child birth which is a highly sensitive and emotional. Kudos to Dr. Pal🎉
I'm literally crying after this delivery scene because I'm a new mom c-section. Heard the baby crying in my unconscious state and that I cannot describe how happy to hear my baby crying in the operation room. So emotional 😊
I can so much relate to it My Son was born through vacuum delivery, he cried after birth but then had respiratory distress and was in ICU but by God’s grace he survived . It was my first delivery …. but in hospital 😊
So beautiful video. Narrated with emotions as well as with information. Kudos to you doc
Few korean medical dramas have excellent detailed medical procedures depicted exactly the way they are ... I love medical Drams Or movies. Thanks for this. U literally have tears in ur eyes when u spoke about neonatal deaths. I feel you doctor.
Hi..dr pal... even in movies few medical ethics r followed 😊 Super example to understand the concept for us general public. Thank u. U r too good 😅
Thanks for the video and being a mother ..I could relate the things in my delivery..thanks for bringing up this.. Need more of such kind of these.. Since the movies show many things which may be real or may not..so it will be helpful for every one to understand the truth
Doc we need videos of episodes/series on topics of medical content’s!! Especially for medical students.. Please make it for us we wish we had a professor like you in med school with this much sense of humour and the concepts at point!! 😃 Thank you!
Birthing is easier in upright position with the help of gravity rather than in lithotomy position which only makes the doctor see what is happening easily. I appreciate these kind of videos. Looking forward to see more.
Men are of no comparison to women.. I could never ever imagine how difficult it is to bare such a pain by them. Hats off to all the women
Dr. Pal you are a lovely person and nice human being, really enjoy your videos
Dr. Thanks for great information and health education we get .. we are able to appreciate it as we are engineers and got deprived of the knowhow of our sofisticated body we have.. ❤❤
Well said Dr. Pal. Babies are miracles for females. Sometimes they get misguided if not properly given awareness.. Which has significantly increased with C-sections, miscarriages. Cannot blame doctors as well. As the world is thickly populated. All we can do is stand for ourselves and that way, you can hold others hands as well. Thank. you for great sharing.
Hi Dr. Pal! Just a small suggestion. I’m a PICU fellow. I know she didn’t follow Neonatal Resuscitation Protocols but for pediatric and neonatal arrests airway and breathing plays a major role. Most pediatric arrests are respiratory arrest than cardiac so our protocols are still ABC, for neonatal TABC instead of CAB( adults). The NRP latest guidelines recommend giving positive pressure ventilation if the neonatal heart rate is less than 100 so I think he was right in giving breaths first. The 30: 2 compression breath ratio applies to pediatrics but for neonates it’s 3:1 meaning 3 compressions and 1 breath. There must be atleast 120 compressions and 30 breaths in a minute if done correctly.
How casually we take Child Birth? 😢Each baby born and the mother are the blessing of Bhagvan.
Dr, could you please educate us on how to improve gut health of kids below 12 years of age. I mean they cannot do intermittent fasting, so how should their eating habits be like...could you pls do a video on this. Thanks so much.❤
Dr . Pal, your combination of comedy in explaining difficult concepts is amazing ! Would love to see more videos on this. I think your gut health videos are great and help set a clear path to a healthy life. Would like to see a video of common misconceptions in exercise and any tips you might have to make it better !
Excellent. Yes, in India we say''No one can say anything about the mother and the baby as long as it doesn't fall on the earth. " I don't have the pleasure😅 of feeling the pain of childbirth as I had a c/s delivery, that too because my doctor had a flight to catch. It was 45 years back, when c/s was not that much rampant.
Thank u Dr we got to learn many new things from this video and we request u to make more such video❤