
did you see emoticon alan at the end?╭(•∇<ᴗ)⌒*
and did you watch the director's commentary? https://youtu.be/iX6b8NYiwrQ


Yellow at the start: Slowly figures out the Print function.

Yellow at the end: Created a full neural network at the end.


I'm a programmer and I couldn't believe my EYES when Yellow started programming a neural network at the end lol


"Animation vs. Music" would be funny, Green fighting in a music sheet against a clef


I've seen 
* animation vs math.
* animation vs physics
* animation vs coding
Can you do animation vs biology and chemistry?



Yellow casually getting hit by a literal nuke and then standing up like nothing happened after 5 seconds


Animation vs Biology - Red
Animation Vs Chemistry - Blue
Animation vs Music - Green

Edit: Holy thx for the likes also 
Animation vs Addiction is coming out and it’s blue 

Also another prediction
Animation vs Emotions - Purple


Episode 4 of the "I don't understand much of it but it looks amazing" series. I can't wait to see coders react to this and explain every frame of it lol

Yellow and the laptop reminded me of Orange and Euler from the math episode. Also, it was really wholesome that Yellow focused on bringing the laptop back to life instead of finding a way out first :_AlanYellow:


😂 Most delightful piece of entertainment I've seen in a while!


As a software developer, fighting with the computer like this is a daily struggle.


1:01 the fact that Yellow didn't have to go through a maths dimension to know how to do addition, multiplication etc unlike TSC just proves his IQ


Compare to TSC/Orange, Yellow already knew how to code.
They were just getting beat up by a computer, and that is frankly incredible!


Please do Animation vs. Chemistry. I think that would be really cool, especially something surrounding point groups and symmetry.


I love how Yellow seems to have ZERO objections to all the printed words smacking them in the face and just keeps rolling with it


This is cool how im currently learning coding and this video is coming out :_AlanOrangeyay: edit: hope everyone whos learning coding is successful and code amazing stuff and thank you alan for all the cool animations


I just wanna appreciate how the computer made a list called "gun" composed of of every upper case letter defined as "ammo", and fired letters using a pop method to shoot letter until it ran out. Pop is a real coding method that uses the last thing (or the newest thing) in a list (which is why it starts with Z) and deletes it after it's used (which is why it literally runs out of ammo.)

This is the inventive stuff I come for honestly. That's just genius.


As a a beginner in Python coding, this video gave me extra knowledge




Yellow re-creating the computer at the end was so cute. Also amazing animation, looking forward to re-watching this later when I've learned more coding


I watched Animation vs. Animator before I could read, now I'm watching this video 16 years later as a Computer Science student that understands the code he is writing. Life is crazy