You absolute fool. You have given me access to all special candies
These are by far the best animations I've seen so far. They're so good that even with the video muted, you can still perfectly make sense of what is happening. I consider this to be a quality test, try it yourselves. When you find a video explaining something by animations, mute the video for a while and try to see if they still make sense. Jared's surely pass the test.
Me a child video isn’t restricted Me: “*chuckles* I’m in”
Oh man... This channel really has some quality. Too bad quantity over quality channels are more popular in youtube.
Now that the kids have seen this, the FBI will now make military-grade caps
Me a child: *clicks on video* *This video is age restricted*
The push down cap honestly got me. What a simple, yet smart and effective mechanism.
Sometimes adult proof for me still!
I had a tooth pain and my bottle was of the last type, 2:50 , it was a new Tylenol bottle and very tightly closed, so I was not sure if I was opening it the right way, your video helped me understand the mechanism and I just had to apply a large force to push down and rotate, and it opened!! Thanks a lot!!!!!
Apparently childproof caps are also me-proof because I'm too stupid to know how to open them
I can honestly say you saved my project deadline. I just couldn't get off a push-down varnish container cap! MANY many many thanks!
I love the use of 3d models here, it really helps explain how these work, I don't think I could have understood without the changing colours of key element and the transparent caps. Really good!
Why doesn’t this guy have more views? This is amazing!
I had a bottle with the last cap and couldn't get it open when pushing and turning. This video helped me as I realized I may need to just put extra downward pressure on it. It worked!
This was so educative and helpful. Thanks for putting it together. I was feeling frustrated not being able to open something child proof when I'm an adult!!! Not anymore....
I am not a native English speaker so I thought “Child proof caps” is the same as “birth control pills”🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Thx for helping me understand all of our genius inventions!
Thanks for the video! I'm a child speedcuber and nobody would tell me how to open the childproof lubricant bottles so I can speed up my cube. This was really helpful!