
Are there any microinteractions that you'd like to see me make a video on creating?


Its incredible how you can articulate the content in one take without breaks. good communicator! Thanks for the information


Really interesting!  
A very good addition to the regular css videos! 

Please sir, can I have more?


This was my first time to hear about microinteractions. LOVE from MALI!


You videos are so informative. I've learned many of the core concepts of CSS in this channel. Thankyou for your time and effort. The video you made, creating a carousel with JS literally made me a fan of your coding style. I just hope you will make more videos on DOM manipulation using Javascript.


Really enjoyed the pure theory via lecture approach. Effective for the conceptual stuff.


i wonder why everytime i put animations in my website it looks rather overkill and janky, because I never focused on micro things.


Along with this topic, Disney made micro interactions more tangible with the magic band effects. 
There’s lights and sounds to confirm the fingerpint of the person.


Awesome guy. Learned a lot about CSs and microinteractions


Yay! I found a new channel to love!


That Todo app was amazing


Love the shirt, just bought one. Thanks :)


How's the sizing on these t-spring t-shirts?


Thank you Kevin. Nice to get the bigger picture.   Could have done without the shirts - although I rather fancy one.


Better than the term microagression


I'm in the future, I watch now


Hi Kevin,

I Can't find the link from your collaboration with Web dev simplified.


My fone was next to my PC and when you said hey google it lighted up the google assistant.. :)


Nice shirt!


thanks 😊