
I guess we are going back to the wheel next time folks..


I started playing Pokémon TCG Pocket a while ago and I liked it. I originally only cared about collecting cards, but then I started battling and liked it too.


The constant “God pack? - BUZZER” was so funny


Two gold mewtwos is crazy, reminds me of pulling two gold pikachus in one week.


39:00 Sam literally pogged, not even making that up, he literally did a one for one replica of the original pog


Better late than never ahh video💀


This dude's genuine love for Pokemon is why I can't stop watching these videos lol keep it up


While watching this video, I opened up Pokemon TCG pocket and pulled TWO Palika EX's, one of which was gold! Now I have a Palkia EX deck that is 50% complete on Pokemon TCG pocket. Thanks Jack and Sam!


The next vs battle yall should do is create 10 decks but click the Auto-build button and see who wins. Would be pretty fun to watch.💀


It's funny watching content from older set "eras" in TCGP. Like I know it's only been a week or two but not seeing Space-Time Smackdown and beyond and hearing "With no Sabrina you have no way to pull Pokémon from my bench" is super funny to me lolllll


I saw "We opened 200" and thought that Jack was pulling an extra 100 packs in the new set.


Sam created the next top charting hit 😂


You can still open genetic apex, you have to select a pack, the click in bottom right corner, it says select other pack (or smth like that)


"Is leaf good?" 

"I don't think so"

I was about to scream


I love the chemistry between Jack and Sam!! I love the videos of them together.


15:03 what the heck the luck is literally insane


0:18 Jack: You’re never pulling a Pikachu on this channel!!!

3:24 Me: Are you sure about that…

Sam: My pulls sucked!

Also Me: You’re going to ignore the Pikachu card you pulled?!


I love that that scolipede is kinda crazy, scolipede is my favourite pokemon of all time


purple cliffe using his brain to lock in!


Sam could've won the Mewtwo match:

Taking into consideration that Jack doesn't have a Sabrina (cause even the fullart Gym Leaders can't be pulled from any pack, they're also tied to their respective packs just like their regular versions, so Jack was fully locked out of her), Sam could've retreated his Mewtwo EX for the baby Mewtwo, Jack would kill it, then sacrifice Ralts, and that would've bought him just enough turns to get Mew EX to 3 energy to kill the Mewtwo, and could then steamroll to the end cause Gardevoir can't give an energy to Tauros so that would require Jack at least 2 turns of energy saving and even with his other Mewtwo EX in hand, Jack wouldn't be able to get it online before Mew would end up killing 1 more card