
Wow he is so smooth, when he spins it's really incredible. I really love watching Minho's graceful dancing, but his style on this type of choreo is so addictive! He is so good! πŸ₯°


The dance formation, his body line,  his twirls. You ate it Choi Minho πŸ™


We don't appreciate Minho's dancing skills enough ❀️‍πŸ”₯


The choreo is insane. And, everybody danced their best in it. How amazing to watch this again and again.


They way he move so precise, the twirl, the jump never seen anyone so elegant like minho


Best choreo so far. It's showing Minho's strength as a dancer. I'm so impressed πŸ‘


Even the hair matches the choreography, it's very satisfying to watch. Minho's stage presence has become even better.


perfect choreo for a perfect song 🩡 love how so many of the songs on the album are being promoted :)


Ur dancing has left me dumbfounded! Every movement is full of personality and creativity. Now, u r all magicians of dance, creating one fantastic world after another with ur bodies and music. U r the best πŸ’Ž


This album showing all Minho’s amazing qualities. I love the choreography!


This is my favorite song and choreo from the Call Back era. And that's saying a lot because i listen to the album on loop and i'm still in love with the Came And Left Me choreo.


Minho, you have worked hard and done great this comeback! The songs, the choreos, the performances; all are amazing! Thank you so much and congratulations! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


Minho's dancing skills is perfect


My fav choreo, love it


His moves his body line πŸ₯΅πŸ”₯🀌🏻
He's just born to be on stage πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Wooooooo the choreography is soo on point!!!!! This whole album is soooooo goood. Every song has its own unique aura! GO GO GO MINHO❀


this singer has lots of talent  and greatest dance ever


Handsome Minho dance like a superman


I feel like our man Minho has stepped up his game with his music and his dancing. ❀ I love it.


Minho's style is so cool, the chorus is addictiveπŸ’₯