Brilliant. Thank you so much, so needed this. Have an amazing Monday ❤
Thank you Dr Paul❤
Thank you...words of wisdom 💖✨
wow the discontent thing realy made me think. i always knew i was a creative person but yea now i get it haha
Thank you doctor :)
Your material has helped me realize my own limitations I’ve given myself. How can I find more great information??? I plan to keep learning from you! Thank you! Perfect Timing! I’m sharing with everyone because I love them.
Waw 😍 this is another piece of wisdom from you Dr. Paul. Thank you. Thats helped me to recognize where am I now towards shifting my mindset from fixed to growth and i can't believe it. After months of self reflection and consuming content about psychotherapy I am on the right track and hope to disconnect Totally from these thoughts that hold me back. Thank you again doctor
Any chance you have e books for those of us who would love a book shipped but must pay their mortgage first ? Oh it would be fabulous to have further information from you! Just in case…Thank you in advance!
I'm not sure where to ask this, and this is off topic, but does this channel have videos on atachment styles? Like helping them to be secure, or how to be supportive and understanding of your children's differant styles?