2:07 That Mayo edit was unnecessarily fire 😂
The editor had fun on this one 😂
Food trucks are so awesome, we just had a food truck event in my city and never have I tasted so many amazing foods, I dunno why some people look down on it. I was actually streaming it on Kick with my friends, trying all sorts of different foods, it was a great day. Keep the vids coming because I love this content, your energy and personality sets you apart from the rest! 😁
The guys at the Armenian Food Truck are so nice! They remind me of the people of Uzbekistan on Sonny's first visit. So many of the vendors would give him food, and wouldn't let him pay! Such generous people 😊
Loved the interaction from the Food Truck owners
As a Turkish person I have to say that armenian lunch truck owners are great ppl. Proper business owner, take care of his customers
Hope they put your picture on that food truck too. You do have the best ever food review show.
Okamoto Kitchen!!! Heck yeah! Shout out to Chizuru and Gerald. 🤘✌😀
One of your best episodes yet, those were some epic trucks.
I am new to this channel, but why is the editing and the script so unhinged hahaha. It's so not what I would expect from a food review channel, this is amazing. Usually it's all about the face of the channel, but I hope the script writers and editors get the proper recognition too!
7:02 that man was like nope, not gonna be cancelled today
Armenian food truck is in my neighborhood, finally you came and tasted food from our neck of the woods, thank you 🙏, i pass there all the time, i would have loved seeing you there and pay for your food 🫡😁👍
I loved this episode. I love them all actually. On top of u being extra humorous in this one u showed me some trucks I am gonna have to hit up. That bone marrow plate looked amazing.
Okamoto Kitchen! is definitely Value for Money! Low cost and looks incredible
well placed bolt at 1:17
You punched a Japanese beetle, while eating a Japanese sandwich, next to a Japanese food truck. Sounds American as fuck to me... lmfaaaaoff. Always a great show, bud.
Armenian man giving you free food is one of the best things you can experience in your life. Also, Lavash is a top notch flatbread.