
The Butterscotch Bonus is just for you guys. For the immense love I've been getting from y'all. The next video is going to be super special and I hope you are as excited for that as you were for this. So much love to the Butterscotch Gang! ❤ SABRA KA FAL MEETHA HOTA HAIN!


0:27 Man the transition was real smooth! 

Btw congratulations for your continental


That was the smoothest bike upgrade I have seen in motovlogging till now 
No blabbering about bike this that just letting us enjoy it as usual as it can be wow epic 


Fun Fact: Everyone Found His Channel Randomly But Started Watching Him Regularly ❤
Anurag Salgaonkar


That bike change at 0:38 was so smooth🔥


Man, I've never been so happy about seeing someone get their dreams come to reality as much as I did when I saw him riding the GT


the fact that he distracted us by the click sound and the transition 😂😂 really nice idea bro.. 
also congratulations on the ✨✨limited edition continental GT 650✨✨


0:14 Finally got featured in video
And my guess of new bike was right , I know his obsession with Continental GT
And that too special edition 
It's like सोने पे सुहागा 
Love the bike 
Love your choice 🔥
 Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️
Super super excited for next video ☺️


That transition was so smooth, love your editing skills, Anurag! What makes him stand out from almost any other YouTuber is the fact that he puts effort into making his videos the best quality they can be.


Hey Anurag, I’m 16 years old and I love watching your videos. I recently learnt to ride a bike btw, and Ive gone insane every since. I love bikes and cycles a lot. My dad is also as crazy on bikes as I am. 

We both love bullets so much, my dad has a hero Honda splender right now. He doesn’t use his bike anymore. We have a car with us now, which my family uses as a way of commute. When I grow up and start earning it’s my wish to get a bullet for my dad and myself. Seeing you ride the bullet makes me so happy, the way your camera is set makes the audience feel like we’re riding the glorious bike ourselves. I love your videos so much man, keep it up. ❤️❤️❤️


Man that end edit was so sleek! 💸  Congrats on your GT 650! Now make it single seater! Do some tasteful mods!


I would like to say "Sorry" to my parents as I'm accepting that I'm an addict! Yes, I'm addicted to this dude's motovlogs. 😂 Such a Gem of a rider he is, With good sense of Humour and a fabulous English speaking skills. ❤️


0:30 one of the smoothest transition I've ever seen


This is such an emotional moment for the entire butterscotch gang i guess. Started watching your videos when you had some 14k subscribers. I had recently bought myself a RE meteor at that time and was looking for motovloggers who ride a RE. That's when I came across your channel and from that very day I knew that you would someday get recognition for the brilliant work you do. Just pure motovlogging and nothing else, I think thats your USP and today when I see you on an RE anniversary edition bike I can feel the emotions running through you. 
Probably you won't read this as their are already 1.4k comments but still decided to write up for the first time...have never done this for any other vlogger on YouTube. You are a gem. Keep growing


Sitting on GT and appreciating an Interceptor 🤣 OP Man 🤣🤣 2:53
Congratulations for your new bike buddy ❤️❤️


Congrats for 100k Subscribers bro! Watching this channel since long time. Hope to talk to you soon!


1:48 my god, the shine from the light !!! And the golden logo ! That's chrome and gold my friend! Amzing ride dude! Amazing taste in motorcycles, so i was right, you like retro, but sporty rides !


That engine sound I heard from first 45 seconds soothed every corner of body❤❤keep growing and heartiest congratulations ❤❤ best youtuber and best videos waiting for much progress and best things to hear from you🎉


4:10 dude, you got new bike and Informing us about new keychain 😂
Congratulations for the bike 🎉


the bike change at 0:30 was too smooth