
11:00:00- Doing karma to get fruits of good yoga in kundali, Shubh muhurta etc.
limitations of jyotish , why bhadra kal is avoided as per logic , why C section delivery is done on shubh muhurt by people ( logic by astrology )

25:30:00 - This year for different rashi, managing funds , health as per gochar to minimize risks ahead

33:00:00- Marriage , what factors are responsible

36:38:00 - Divorce, marital issues, no written evident of divorce in ancient scriptures , just marital happiness or discord can be predicted

43:32: Vakri grah,  can be good or difficult as per its strength

44:10:00- Pitrudosh 

47:00:00: Kaalsarp , is it real or not 

50:08:00: Sadesati, Shani Dev teaches people to be humble, prepares them for using their great potential by hurdles, changes mindset of people for their good , sadesati comes after every 30 years to turn the person into good human, blessing in disguise , mesh rashi will enter into sadesati  in april and should not worry but be ready to experience blessing in disguise

1:00:00 - 2025 Year for India ( Government, economy,  investments insight, world war, cold war) 

1:06:12 - celebrities and their belief on gemstone etc.

1:13:00 - rumours about celebrity divorce, divorce , mangal dosh etc.  related information explained with logic


कशी होती त्याची कुंडली? 
प्रभू रामचंद्र ह्यांच्या बद्दल असा एकेरी उल्लेख , प्रचंड कानाला खटकल


He is really good.  Whatever he says makes sense . Thanks for interviewing him I really appreciate your time.Thanks Bhushan sir .


छान माहिती मिळाली खूप खूप धन्यवाद सरांचे ही आणि तुमचेही. ❤❤❤❤👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


खूप छान माहिती दिली sir नी हा शो अजून एकदा नवीन प्रश्न घेऊन झाला पाहिजे 👌👌👌👍👍


Excellent podcast.He explained things in today's contest,by giving simple examples in our daily lives.The myths about wearing stones & its effect was very well explained.Moreover,he explained things in lay mans language.


Bhushan sir very positive ... details of  kunadali explained nicely ..
N yesss karma counts


खरचं आहे, कुठलाही पालक आपल्या अपत्याला शाप देऊ शकत नाही.


अहं एकच विषय घेऊन नीट चर्चा व्हायला हवी होती 
पण एकातून दुसरा विषय त्यामुळे सगळच भरकटत गेलं


जन्म वेळच माहीत नसेल तर ? केवळ गाव ,दिवस,महिना,साल वरून खरं भविष्य सांगता येतं का ??


I wish this podcast to never end.. 😅 Could listen to it all day.. The knowledge, guidance sir has provide as revealed so many facts..


Khup chan podcast jhala 🙏🙏


Bhushan sir you are too good khupac chhan bolta mahiti tar apratim


Sooooooooooooooooooo positive


💯👍👍👍👍👍👍tumchya swabhavala badlnya sathich  sadesati aahe , swatala badla , manus badlne kathin , pan shani tumhala badlavto ,ch , he ak shikshan aahe , je shala college madhe he shikshan milat nahi , aani mhanunach 30 varsh lagtat , tyacha ak fera purn hoto , very good knowledg Bhushan sar , tumhi practically boltay , i am proud of you , khare bolalyabaddhal ,


1.13 right🎉


Khup chan Sir ji 👌👌


Mam , the information of this  podcast is not in proper sequence.
Request to add timestamp


Time stamps needed as per topic


Yoga ya topic var video banva please 😊