Just while I’ve been thinking I’m burnt out and I feel too guilty to give myself a break this video is coming out perfect
Thank you so much 😊 I really appreciate your help 🙏🥰🥰🥰
I'm currently in Year 10 and honestly I'm already bummed out. I was questioning if I was lazy when I saw this video. I was stressed out that I have wasted 3 years of trying to stick to productivity and studying techniques that I have applied too much work on myself which lead me to tire out quickly. I'm not sure if I should give myself a break since I have an exam in three months but this video helped me figure out that I should. Thanks for making people more smiley. :)
Thank you for the wake up call smile with sola
Thank you sola today I tried ur method of taking a shower and it really helped me in terms of my mental health for studying I could revise for longer hours without getting tired easily even in the night when I usually feel really tired I felt so energetic and wanted to do more revision and I am so happy I am seeing this video a month before my GCSE so that I can practice enough pastpapers and topic questions before my exams wigs me good luck 🤞🏾🤞🏾
i’ve been watching you for a year, you helped me achieve really good grades in my y11 mocks thank you !!
Thanks for the video, came at the right time just before GCSEs
I really appreciate how you dont just tell us the tips but how to implement them and how thete are common misconceptions on how to rest, and other order in which u do your work
Thank you so much, i have been so stressed out cause i just got promoted to year 11 and am not even prepared at all and everyone around talks about gcse like its easy 😢the system just broke me. But thank you so much for your advice
I really needed this video! currently going through a heavvvvvvy burnout period that has lasted over the course of 2 weeks, and slowly but surely I am getting better with studying. Hopefully I get through this before GCSES approach thank you for this video!!!❤️❤️
10:04 Literally love this girl, shes the reason why i feel motivated to study.<3
This is all so helpful. You're a life saver 😂❤
I have my IGCSE exam tomorrow(I'm in 8th) and even though I'm not taking GCSE's any time soon, your videos are so useful. I was so burnt out, but this video reminded me that DISCIPLINE is way more important than motivation(iykyk). Thank you, Sola!❤
thank you so much for this video. I really needed this
i would love to say this but, your video's are sooo helpful and they make me feel motivated. thanks for this motivation.
Thanks for the video I really needed it 😊
9:23 I saw mayo and just started laughing, that really cheered me up
Ngl I just want to get my GCSE’s over with. I’m not smart I’m foundation predicted only 5’s. It’ll be enough tho to do what I want to do some so im incredibly happy.