2:42 『僕は立っている』っていう歌詞なのに、MVのハチ公は横たわってるのがなんか泣ける。。。
この曲がきっかけで売れ残りの大きくなりすぎてショーケースにも入らなくなって裏に置いてかれてた秋田犬を家族にしました。 今日その秋田犬にきっかけになった作曲者捕まっちゃったって伝えたらバリでかいゲップ顔の目の前でかまされました
ぷすが最後まで見てって言った意味がわかった。 本当に最後まで見てほしい。 鳥肌たった大好き。
The sad truth is, hachiko never got treated well when waiting for his owner. His breed of big fluffy dogs weren’t exactly appreciated by people, and people going through the station or working there would ignore or even kick him out, but he always came back to wait. It wasn’t until much later people realized how genuinely good this dog was, spending the rest of his life waiting for his owner with no one to care for him did people begin to show respect.
本当にスゴいお話だよね… こういう曲聴いてると動物って素直だなって思うし そこまでの愛情を注いだ飼い主もスゴいなぁ…って
What is Faithful dog ''Hachi'' ? Hachi is a dog with a famous statue in front of Shibuya station in Tokyo, Japan. Hachi was a dog kept by a professor at a university, and he picked up and dropped off his owner every day. Hachi was very fond of his owner. However, something sad happened to Hachi. The owner, the professor, died suddenly. After that, Hachi moved from one owner to another. However, for nearly 10 years, Hachi went to the station to pick him up, believing that his former owner would return every day. The statue of Hachi, the faithful dog, was made in front of Shibuya station in Japan by people who were impressed by its appearance. And in front of this statue is still a standard meeting place in Shibuya. I commented that I would like people who listen to this song to know this story. And this is a story that really happened in Japan.I'm Japanese and I'm studying English, so I'm sorry if something is difficult to understand. But when I read this and then listen to this song, I get even more tears. Hope it helps someone. Thank you for reading the long text. 【Postscript】 The meaning of 「僕は待っている」written in Japanese in the summary column is ''I'm waiting''.
あっちょっと無理こういうの弱い泣いちゃう 優しすぎるくらいな曲調に切ない歌詞で本当に感動で涙が出てしまう
死んだ犬のこと思い出して泣いてしまった。 小さい頃はたくさん一緒に遊んでたのに、中学、高校生になってあんまり遊ばなくなってしまっていた。それでもあの子は毎日私の帰宅を待ってて、帰ると喜んでくれた。 高一の秋、私が帰ってきたらあの子は亡くなっていた。 家族全員が出掛けている中でひとりで逝かせてしまった。 最後の日も、ずっと私の事待っててくれたのかなあ、、、 最後のハチが飼い主を待ちながら目を閉じるシーンが、私の犬に重なってしまってめちゃくちゃに泣いてしまった。待たせてごめん。1人にさせてごめんね。
食わず嫌いして、いつもと違う雰囲気だったからってだけでろくに聞いてなかった 初めてだよ。他人の作った曲で感動泣きしたの もっと早くに聞けば良かった
この曲好きすぎるし神曲だから鬼リピしたいのに聴く度涙止まらなくなるのやめて欲しい そんな曲を作れるツユの方々好きすぎる
How to recognise a Tuyu song : 1. You can relate and cry 2. You cannot relate then also cry 3. You feel happy to the melodies until you turn on the captions