Damn I miss his show remember watching him as a kid. I think his son should have his own TV show.
10 most deadly snakes in the world Steve Irwin: Fortunately they all live here
Steve is incredibly missed, he was a one of a kind who had a style that's impossible not to like. It seems the more deadly and dangerous the critter Steve wants to be right next to action. Even though I'm Australian I remember first seeing Steve on TV in the early 90's when I was working in Singapore.
This is timeless. Generations will be able to enjoy what Steve did for us. What a legend.
15:16 Steve Irwin is the only man who could ever dual wield snakes
Just imagine how awesome his personal YouTube Channel would be right now. RIP.
I’m so grateful this father, husband, educator, friend and gentle man can be immortalized so everyone can benefit from his knowledge and compassion. A 11/10 human.
“Look at this beauty, aren’t they glorious. This is the DEATH ADDER”
“This is the Brown snake, the 10th most venomous in the world. Now, it’s very important I don’t breathe on it” he says as his face is 10 fucking centimetres from the snake! Steve you were a one of a kind and will never be replaced. RIP mate, you are terribly missed.
Actually kind of happy about the blunder that PETA did, now Steve gets even more coverage and people can fondly remember his legacy.
Steve is so ridiculously brave that even the most venomous snakes on the planet are like "you crazy human, get away from me!".
Peta - "Steve Irwin harassed animals.." Steve Irwin - "I don't grab snakes by their head because they have fragile bones and I could hurt 'em"
14:05 Sees a deadly snake getting inside a hole. 14:16 Shoves an entire arm right in.
Shout out to the camera guy, my goodness he was able to keep up with stevo everywhere. Both are legends.
This man did more for animals than anyone else, his enthusiasm was infectious, adults and kids loved his programmes, I remember hearing that he died and it was devastating rip steve
"The fear snake can kill 100 human adults in one bites worth of venom... pretty awesome" god i love steve
I just realized that we'll never have someone quite like Steve Irwin ever again he really was one of a kind. At least his documentaries are free on YouTube so he can live in our hearts forever. Thanks Real Wild.
Props to Irwin for doing this, but can we just take a minute to appreciate the cameraman who came along with him?
I cannot help but cry hearing the passion in his voice and his dedication to wildlife