
I still love that a guy fed his venus fly trap a jellybean once


"And this time lapse was definitely not taken over multiple days" 
Man's learning to trick his viewers


I wanted to clarify: While Venus Fly Traps do not technically need bugs to survive, they will grow much slower and be weaker. In the environments they do grow in, they eat bugs for more nutrients.


The carnivorous plants do use photosynthesis, but they eat to get minerals. They generally live in nutrient poor soil so they have to compromise for it by getting nutrients from insects. So while they can get some energy from photosynthesis, they need to eat to even do photosynthesis in the first place.


I literally had a "right for the wrong reason" moment.

I knew the Venus fly trap fact was wrong, but I thought they needed more than one insect a year. I was correct in all the wrong ways xD


Venus fly traps can get their nutrients from Photosynthesis, but the reason they eat insects is because the soil they grow in usually lacks their requirement of nitrogen, which they get from eating insects


Oh I didn't catch the "needs to"


I was just enjoying the video and then I realized what kind of video this was


I was like "technically speaking venus fly traps dont need the insect but thats more a technicality so ill see what else there is" and then saw the other 2 which i knew were true and was like "okay yeah its the technicality"


bros been training us to not believe all things online... thank you sir.....


dude that resurrection plant is my new favorite plant ever


Venus flytraps also tend to consume WAY more than 1 insect per year. Once a trap is successful, it takes 3-5 days to fully digest and re-open. A healthy flytrap can catch as many insects as it has leaves, since each leaf is a trap, and each trap can catch/digest about 3 insects before it dies off to make room for a new one.


Even the plants ain't vegan


Years ago I was running the census in a remote area in the far north during the winter. My agents would walk around in minus 20 to minus 30 weather.
We had about ⅔ of some 5000 houses enumerated and the filled questionnaires neatly filed around. Normally, when arriving after their rounds, agents would have a coffee and we’d chat about their day, then we’d check the questionnaires.
But this time, an agent came in and we looked at the questionnaires right away. We used erasable pens because sometimes errors would be made and pencils markings were not legal.
The questionnaires were blank. But there was obvious markings on the paper, it’s just that the ink totally vanished.
We were horrified! We mused at what to do… Will we have to redo the thousands of questionnaires already filled?
To double check, I took one of the erasable pens and wrote on a piece of paper, then put it outside in the snow
We watched in horror as the ink slowly faded away and the paper was totally blank…

I brought the paper back inside to look at it: there was no mistake: it was marked by the pen, but there was no ink!

So we started to pull our hair all together, wondering what to do, when, after about 10 minutes, someone shouted “HEY! THE INK IS BACK!" and, sure enough, the paper was as I marked it.

We then jumped on the freshly-in questionnaires, who had time to warm up, and sure enough, the ink was back!



Venus fly traps grow in soil with poor nitrogen content. Hence they need to supplement the nitrogen deficit by CONsuming insects. Cilantro turning towards the light is just Phototropism. Parts of the plant above the soil level are phototropic while the roots are hydro and geotropic. Resurrection plants were something I wasn't aware existed


Well this one was incredibly easy for me, since I have one of these resurrection plants at home, also sometimes called a type of rose in my language - and I've observed other plants growing towards the light since I have several in my home. Great video!


They consume the flys for Nitrates, not for light like they do with Photosynthesis 

Most plants absorb nitrates from the soil, they do need them to survive.


Was thinking "Technically..." with the first one. Didn't knownif you'd count it, till I was 100% sure on the other two.


Yo my man, you didn't mention energy in the piece, you just said: "need to survive". They do. They need it for nitrogen and phosphorus as they live in very poor soil.


im glad i study agricultural biology, and own all 3 of those plants.