
This is a lovely speech.. My interest in China has grown exponentially over the last couple of year and my goal is to one day move to China..


I love the brilliance of this lady,..her eloquent, lucid, articulate, warm, conservational delivery of ideas, facts and truths.  I am sure all of China and women of all nations should be proud of her. She is a great ambassador of her native land.


You can tell the mentality level of a Chinese and an American or a European just by they way they talk, it was an amazing speech. The world needs more humans like Keyu Jin.


Insightful, articulate, and fact-based, well-put speech


Well said and facts, thank you Prof Keyu Jin. Your speech will put the doubters and haters to the  rest/sleep 👍👍


we need more voices like her


Asean countries should appoint her as the chief advisor  for Foreign Affairs or distinguished economics advisor.


She even did this when she was a bit ill. Bravo 👏 Nailed it.


Thank you so so so much Professor coming again. I will always be eagerly waiting to hear from you. Those who don't understand the fastest development in China it is their problem not the China. So so so blessed to hear from you. Please come soon again. God bless you professor. Thank you


She is the voice of reason, facts and honesty, but I doubt the bias haters will listen to reason...


It's a great pleasure having some extremely talented schoolers like Prof. Jin tells China stories in realistic and objective views.


Absolutely nailed it. As an Indian, I am really proud of the way you presented the aspirations of younger generations. But unfortuanately their  share  in the politics is not upto the mark. Thats the bigger challenge now the world is facing. 👍


Great speech. Factual. Eloquent, and easy to understand.   Tks to keyu…


A wonderful lady scholar and a great speech!


So well presented. Hope more people in the west get her message, and see the reality for their own benefits, indeed...


i love her to death. smart and beautiful. what more could you ask from a woman?


Things to learn at top colleges,
1. Present well.
2. Use a good accent and voice.
3. Use your advantages well.


Great speech wonderful professor Jin.❤❤❤


The first generation Chinese immigrants were demure, placid. They knew they were being exploited building railroads and working 16 hour shifts at restaurants. But they put up with it so their kids could grow up confident, different, lack for nothing, strive for greater.
They let people bully them and their kids watched and second generation immigrants don't take that shit.
This is the same with Chinese who remained in China. They watched Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao bow deep and force smiles and their embassy get bombed by Clinton and did nothing.
The new generation will no longer accept bullying and Xi Jinping understands that. He's the wise man holding back the fervant youths of China.
Trust me, you guys will miss him when he's gone.


Music-like voice. Thank you Dr. Jin.