This is what youtube was made for watching passionate people perfect their craft and share it with the world. Thank you Malte you get my baby to sleep every night👊
Does anyone else close their eyes and imagine being in a peaceful garden while listening to this? :person-turqouise-waving:
Hey, you! Yes, you. I just want to remind you that you’re stronger than you think. Whatever you're facing, you have what it takes to overcome it. Keep believing in yourself—you are worthy of all the good things life has to offer!
SO cool listening live!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day. Sending everyone LOVE ❤️
Oh wow. This one is amazing. Loooove the slowed down pace on this. Wow so so beautiful
Perfectly accurate name, sometimes people really need to calm down for themselves, breathe, relax and solve problems and stresses with cold-head.
Listening from Istanbul. May love not be missing from our lives ❤
Thank you for being a part of this incarnation here and now along this wanderlust exploration of my own personal Journey ❤🎉❤😊
Listening to thos in bed. So good to wind down with this beautiful music at the end of the day. Sending love and light to all. Xxx
Dankeschön mein Lieber Malte für Deine kostbare Musik ist mir steht's ein Vergnügen Deinen wundervollen Klängen zu lauschen und freue mich jedesmal über Deine wunderschöne Musik und die besondere Atmosphäre hier.Danke für Dein Sein und alles was Du mit Deiner wundervollen Musik in diese Welt trägst.Wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie ein schönes Wochenende alles Liebe und gute für Dich Dein Christinchen Bussi und Drückerli 😊🤗😘💜👍💋🌹🍀🌺🌻🖐Wünsche Dir von ganzem Herzen einen schönen Valentinstag ❤👍💜🖐
Love this particular handpan's sound and what you have expressed with it, truly beautifull Malte. Thank you.
نور و عشق بر شما جاری باشد💗
🙏🏽🌌Why does this f#2 Pygmy sound so unusual, awesome & deeper toned ? It’s truly beautiful!🪻 Thank you so much for all the healing sounds & love & lightcodes shared !The last few pieces posted are magnificent !🌅🌞Etheric Sound & Arisings with our Brother and Family AumOm<3
Your music is so soothing to the soul. Helps me drown out the world chaos and enables me to focus. I listen when I’m working and when I want to relax. I am so grateful for your talent.
Malte, das ist so wundervoll und beruhigend. Ich liebe diese tiefen Klänge, sie erden mich und gehen tief ins Herz. Ich danke dir sehr dafür. Alles Liebe für dich. ❤🙏😇🥰
What a beautiful melody🙏 fills me with peace and Love. Immensely grateful🙏🌷❤️💛✨ Greetings from my dear Córdoba ❤️🌎❤️✨
22.000 in 19 hours....Nice!You deserve the best, you keep us the best company..
Ваша игра завораживает и вдохновляет. Слушаю каждый день. Благодарю Вас от всего сердца!❤💗💖
Thank you so much for these videos. Listening to these everyday in background for my office work. Recently blessed with a baby girl and soon I'll introduce your music to her too ❤❤🎉🎉