
Watch our Future of Intel fabrication facility tour video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUIh0fOUcrQ
And check out our NVIDIA PhysX coverage (of it breaking on the 50 series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4w_aObRzCc
Working on some feature pieces in the next week or two also!


I need a "Until morale improves" count for this year.


I am once again demanding a "disappointment per dollar" chart.


GN Crew and Steve, enjoy your break, and for Steve especially, those static data pages are awesome for some of us that want a fast reference and don't want to scan an entire video for information. It saves a ton of time and a major relief on my reference workload. So, Thanks!


The malware story is exactly why people get so worried about kernel-level anticheat...


I wish I had your level of motivation and dedication, Steve & GN Team. I know you do what you love for a living, but I can't fathom the passion and intensity you bring to the table. Do your best to enjoy your time off and not think about work. Have a couple drinks (or don't) and relax.


GN - mentions a break and vacation 10 videos ago. Also GN - proceeds to crank out 10 more videos mentioning that break and vacation in each one.


This is such a strange timeline. We have AMD CPU's curb stomping intel in gaming and equal or better in different production apps. AMD GPU drivers seem to be stable and work fairly well "out of the box" and NVIDIA putting out broken drivers and struggling to fix the problems. What a time to be alive!


i wanna get off nvidia and amd's wild ride 😭


That laptop grabbed my attention for the same reasons. I'm also curious what your current laptops are.


8:57 If you want the security patches to prevent Zen 1-4 Microcode Jailbreaking check that your motherboard BIOS has AGESA 1.2.0.E on AM4 or later.


Dude with a Steamworks account here. The way uploading builds works is that once you're past the initial build review, you're free to upload builds without any further checks by Valve, which will be instantly available to all users. You're not even forced to use the reviewed build as the one you launch with.

I would like to assume that Valve has some automatic scanning on their servers, though heuristics and detected generic variants such as in this case might be not considered precise enough to automatically raise alarms. I have pushed a build before that had a false positive in Windows Defender of all things. However from the detected name, it seemed like it was a machine learned heuristics detection. Thankfully this was cleared up fairly quickly on Microsoft's end, but on Valve's side nothing happened.

As for this "game"'s case, while it's not a real security barrier, I feel like as a defense in depth it might be a decent idea to set your firewall to default deny for outgoing connections. It doesn't seem like any privileges were escalated and only user accessible access tokens were stolen? In that case the malware would've had trouble to whitelist itself to call home at least. As long as there wasn't more to it, I suppose. And since that configuration is rare, maybe it wouldn't be smart enough to handle it either.
Of course having it on default deny comes with a few annoyances, but it's doable after jumping over the initial hurdles.


6:00 For the gpu price:performance chart: make your price column a user defined variable (defaults can be whatever msrp is at time created) but add an input/slider for the user to enter the current price for whatever gpus they're selecting to compare. All of your formulas/calculations would still stand, but the price would be unique to what the user has available when shopping


Things to work on break:
#1: Sleep Schedule :)

Thanks for all you guys hard work, you helped me decide on a 9070 XT instead of the travesty of 50 series


I'm glad you actually mentioned taking some time off, I kept thinking "steve you're supposed to take a break when you're taking a break"


4:09 I was listening to 10,000 days album just before this video lol


Steve, don’t think about CPU coolers while you’re on top of the mountain. Just BE ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN.


The company I work at recently bought a couple case fans from Amazon. When I took them out of their packaging, one of them was missing the sticker on the fan hub and one of the motor/hub support brakes was broken. There were obvious thread marks from when the fan was screwed in. Someone had severely mistreated and broken that fan, then bought a new one and sent his broken one back as an RMA. That then ended up with us. I was immediately reminded of the video about the PSU on the GNCA channel!


As an owner of a potentially oxidizing 14th "gen" Intel CPU, I want that shirt, so I can wear it while putting my new 9800X3D in.


Mad props for mentioning Drakenguard. there was also Drakan on PC (1999), Drakan: TAG PS2,(2002) Prior to that which featured a smiliar riding mechanic.