The fact that there were Angel weapons in the Hell black market really breaks the entire plot of the story for me. Like for 10,000 years it was said no one could ever kill a Angel and yet how did they even got their hands on even one of those weapons yet alone enough to supply an entire army.
There's also a plohotile of how didn't Vaggie know that angel weapons can harm Exterminators. Specially since she got her wings and eye removed by Lutes sword.
Its biggest problem is that it’s rushed af. Hazbin Hotel should’ve taken its sweet time with its premise, episodes focusing on the sinners and their problems or on establishing the hotel to work towards the meeting with the angels while having another plot going on in the background till everything hits the fan.
The biggest thing I wish they did with Adam, is they toned down the overt douchebaggery, and dialled up his judgemental attitude even more. You could still have him be a complete ass, but give him the veneer that he believed he was actually holy. When he was killed, his breakdown felt like that should have been when that side of him really came out. I thought it was a good moment. But it was almost the same as how he was initially. Honestly I didn't hate him as a character, the bones of a great one were there. But I don't think he's going to be especially fondly remembered either.
Also probably the biggest problem I have is the show ignores a glaring issue with the concept of Redemption, namely making the Sinners Confront their past actions. Angel for example seemingly is only called out for his drug use and status as a porn star, but his canon backstory is he was a mobster in New York from the 20s to the 40s meaning he most certainly engaged in things like arson, extortion, corruption and murder. Getting redeemed after doing that should require more than simply some community service and passing on drugs. Charlie acts like Sinners are just misunderstood people and Heaven is wrong to punish them, but every Sinner we've ever met is a blood hungry psycho who'd start murdering anyone in Heaven or Earth, thus punishing them makes sense from a practical perspective.
I HATED how Adam was handled. The show is so rushed, it fails to give the main driving force behind the exterminations any motivation aside from him being just being a sadist. That's really it. He's a sadist. He could've had PLENTY of reasons. Maybe there truly were plans of an uprising in Hell. Maybe Eve eating the forbidden fruit and him not left him alone in Eden for eons and he went bonkers with hate for Lucifer and Lilith. Maybe with Eve and Cain and so many others stuck in Hell, he also tried to get some redeemed, but it didn't work, so now he's just mercy-killing them. Maybe Eve, stuck in Hell, contacted him, railing against how Lilith was so happy down there, and her and Adam conspired to ruin Lilith's and Lucifer's happiness for keeping them apart. But no. He was a toxic male, that was motivation enough, and for this, more than the mass-murder, he had to die.
I think adam is a completely wasted character. He shouldve been saved for later in the show while having lute or another angel be the antagonist. I know viv cant think of this herself but imagine how awesome it'd be to see the stand off between the crew and Lucifer versus Adam the man who lost his paradise, both his wives, father of all mankind forced to watch as his children commit the most horrific acts of humanity while he (presumably) spent the rest of his mortal life atoning for what he has allowed to be done... And to top it all of he's being denied his fatherly role of punishing sinners aka his children for their crimes against his other children. Its reasonable why he's pissed that Charlie is trying to claim them as her family when she has zero connection to them.
18:18 Something I'd like to add here is that Vaggie needed Carmilla to tell her the information that Exorcists are vulnerable to their own weapons… even though Vaggie's backstory as an Exorcist has her eye gouged out by Lute's Exorcist Blade, meaning that she herself should already know this information. I noticed that plot hole myself, so Viv really needs to refine her scripts because if I can figure out that plot inconsistency, others can as well.
There's a theory out there that season 2 was originally supposed to be a continuation of season 1, increasing the number of episodes from 8 to 16, but A24 or Amazon decided to chop it up into two seasons of 8 episodes.
I think even people who like the show (like me lol) agree that the pacing is the biggest problem. I think very few people are going to deny that. Agree with what you said
Vivzie forgets that the Angels are doing pretty decent work. Most of hell is filled with psychopaths who slaughter and maim without a second thought so it's not like they're unjustified.
One thing I don't really see anyone else is a major aspect that is missing in a show about improving oneself. Hazbin Hotel makes a major focus on redemption, but redemption alone cannot be what saves a sinner. There's no repentance. From all the characters except for Charlie and Vaggie, there's no backstory as to why they ended up in Hell, and given how literally every single soul there murders, rapes, abuse substances, and cannibalize others without a second thought I'll just assume that there was no mistaking them for very, very bad people who deserved damnation. Redemption is admirable and ought to be a goal, but total redemption cannot be achieved without repentance, to express true guilt for their past actions, how it affected others, and a genuine aspiration to never do those sins again and to make amends with those they had wronged. In Angel Dust's case, his cannon lore was that he was a mobster who died in 1947 who engaged in all sorts of heinous and reprehensible actions that caused him to be sent to Hell, and his sister Molly was supposed to join him there but she ended up in Heaven from what I think was a change to her lore. You would never know this from what's so far been showed in the series, because he never talks about it and it is never brought up, probably an intentional move to make the audience feel sympathy for him after the scene where he was abused by Valentino. And while the goal of the Hotel is to bring sinners to Heaven, it never addresses the question as to WHY they are in Hell in the first place. This Steven Universe mentality of doing good deeds alone while refusing to acknowledge your past sins will get you into Heaven is ridiculous, it just treats the symptoms and not the cancer itself. On top of this, it doesn't help that all this exists in a world without Jesus Christ, who literally went into Hell after His crucifixion to pull all the righteous sinners out and bring them to Heaven since all their sins have been forgiven.
another error, Rosie once she reunited with ALASTOR said "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" even though its been 6months timeline since he returned in episode 1, and they were in a meeting together in episode 2, she should of said "glad to finally catch up after your return" its literally that simple writing, theres so much stuff like that pacing wise
Still kinda annoyed that Adam is sorta just a vulgar dickhead villain instead of someone who tries to put on "Holier-than-thou" demeanor to the point where he would outwardly shame people for swearing and violence, but as his anger gets the better of him, he cusses and kills way more than any other character we've seen so far.
the whole redemption thing is incredibly flawed, like, theres murderers, rapists, molesters there in hell, why are you trying to redeem them? they arent even confronted for their actions, what if angel met some of his victims when he was alive... that would be a good way to present the conflict, why angel deserves redemption? Also do they want to redeem themselves, bc they are really sorry of what they did, or bc they want to get out of hell? is very selfish to say sorry just to get rewarded, and not any reward, but the eternal peace, imagine if angel gets redeem before his victims, would be that fair?
I think that Adam should have been a later villain. With the V’s, and other overlords should be have been the villains of early seasons.
The problem with Vivienne’s series (both of them) is that the feel like the final season in a show with none of the episodes that get us to really care or understand our main cast. Imagine if they started Amphibia on Season 2 or Gravity Falls did Weirdmaggedon 6 episodes in. It’s like, it’s clear that Vivienne has a vision for her series but she doesn’t allow for normal episodes that get us to know our cast before the heavy stuff, or at least give us episodes that actually take advantage of your premise before going off in a different direction.
I got 3 major issues with this series: 1) How they made Adam and most angels as cruel monsters. Adam being the first human who sinned, who regretted his actions and who repented is shown as a simple-minded egoistical asshole without any depth or more interesting characteristics. That doesn't seem to fit at all. I would have preffered if he was portrayed as delusional fanatic who believes that every single demon in hell is a horrible beast that needs to be killed and refusesto see the other side of them, but at the same time has some dignity to it, thinks of himself as a great savior. Just a simple prince charming parody or something like that, it would have worked much better. 2) The exterminations retcoon. In the pilot we were told that angels kill demons because hell is overpopulated, not because demons could rebel. How would that even work? There's no way for demons to get into heaven, it's not like they can arrive there or teleport there. They turned an interesting reason into a dumb one. 3) I really dislike what they did with Lucifer in this series... His core character traits are that he's a charismatic manipulator full of ego who thinks he's better than everyone. He could be redeemed but he doesn't even want to because his pride doesn't allow him to admit that he did something wrong and he refuses to repent. He's jealous of god because he wants to be like a god, so he enjoys corrupting god's creations and twisting them in his ways. But here he's a depressed but cheerful dad who dislikes hell and demons and is a misunderstood victim. That's the total contradiction of his nature. If that's how you gonna do it, make new characters instead of tarnishing originals. We got yet another loving dad with troubles, same as Blitzo and Stolas, I'm detecting a pattern in Viv's shows. Btw he likes spending time with his daughter so why did he even lose touch with her at all? In the pilot through few visuals and dialogues it seemed like he didn't care because maybe he didn't approve of Charlie's ideas (understandable because Lucifer would never wish to make peace with heaven). I'm not against a few changes here and there, showing a different perspective, parody etc. but what they did here is absolutely different and contradictory to his core elements. Alastor acts like a real Lucifer would.
I was honestly hoping for the show to be more about the idea of demons being redeemed then angels being bloodthirsty assholes.