
Mina's intro to the song is so so so good. omg I love her so much.


Died at Mina saying "Twice" <3


so no one is talking about how great is Jeongyeon's voice? Jeongyeon πŸ’•


Can we talk about how stable and strong jeongyeon's voice is???


Mina's voice is such a heaven
#GiveMinaSoloDebut!! hahah


minas "twice" is the reason why i live




people always say they are pretty but they are more than that: each of them has their individual charm and talent. an addition to that they have  star appeal


TZUYU's beauty is in a whole other level wowwww stunning


Is there anyone who is a fan of chaeyoung? she is sooo cute and beautiful πŸ’™πŸ’™


0:27 mina si so beautiful....... my god


Mina is so mesmerizing. She is beyond gorgeous and so delicate. I just couldnt take my eyes off her  ❀ ❀


My baby Jeongyeon getting so much camera time and looking stunning. I'm going to cry, omg β™₯


Minaaaaaa is beautiful 😍 twice slay


Whoahh , I love how Mina say Twice and Nayeon Ring Ring 😍


OMG Tzuyu is so precious <3 Her legs is beautiful , her face, her hair....


When Mina said TWICE with her killer smile.. So Gorg.

Also my Dahyun always cute.


twice so humble..and once must be humble too even twice break record this time for many thing.. lets  stay together for along time.. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


MINA's voice so soothing!!!❀️❀️❀️


Mina is just perfect